
Changes in developing pText are put here, while testing features for a post is in the posts.


Create tag page from this tutorial, which is very helpful and simple. And about category, files with the same category will be put in the same folder.


End version 0.0.8 and start 0.0.9 with adding quran, a sub-project form the past.


Change github-mod.css in assets/css according to default value of css here, triggered by previous log entry, which requires better look in a post when it has sections using ## section or translated to <h2>section</h2>. Found that default jekyll will convert . and / into nothing and white-space into -.


Derive the SI model in this post since yesterday.


Try to learn also Three.js with this post. Even the three.js version looks longer than the x3dom version, but the former seems to have more flexibiity. But his opinion should be proved first.


After unsuccessfull in integrating VRML into a HTML using X_ITE, finally found the x3dom, which is much easier to show a 3D content. The fist example is here here.


Found information that conversion from integer with leading zeros could introduce error while drawing in canvas. It can not be understood yet. This version 0.0.8 still uses canvas coordinate. Add field of version to differ versions. An example without leading zeros of square signal is here.

Another information from here, that title in a post can be styled but without space, e.g. pText 1<sup style='font-size:60%;'>st</sup> plot.


Make examples of emoji in a post.


Make examples of block of code in a post.


Make examples of equation in a post.


A post link


is consisted of xxxx for year, yy for month, zz for day, dan post_title for post title from a post filename


The .md extension will be exclued.


Add following line

	gem 'wdm'

in the Gemfile and do

	bundle install

that will install the wdm to avoid polling for changes as suggested by bundle.


Create this log.md as explained most above. Before this entry, the sufix -x indicate that day aggregate recorded changes. There are other unrecorded ones.


Install jemoji create Gemfile with following lines

source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'jekyll'
gem 'jemoji'

in the Gemfile and and then

	bundle install

to install it. A Gemfile.lock will be produced. Run jekyll

	bundle exec jekyll serve

serve localhost:4000 for local development of pText, where

	jekyll serve

is no longer used. I still do not understand the difference.