Medium stats 2024
Create and upload Python package
Hands-on intro to Keras
Intro to Pasir 0.0.5
Hands-on practice in Python
FI2151 2024-1 survey discussion
Multidimensional visualization
Further intro to perceptron
SK5010 RBL weekly report 1
Random walk displacement
Short intro to model
Research-Based Learning SK5010
Intro to perceptron
Short intro to Machine Learning
Topics for Science Visualization
Random walk intro
Learning Ansys Structures
Integrated soil sensor
Launch Ansys offline on Windows 11
Start learning Ansys Fluent on Windows
Ansys packages installation on Windows
Visualization in science
Modeling, Data Generator, n Analysis
Scientific journal writing
Random distribution visualization
Sand color due to water content
Research reimbursement system
Brief intro to random number
Intro to Matlotlib scatter plot
Intro to Matlotlib line plot
Python basics and more
Unlimited visualization ideas
Visualization with coxcomb chart
Software and platform installation
Scientific visualization
Acrylic pan granulator (design)
Image in DOCX
Effect perforation elastic p acrylic plt
Data lake dgn Py dan Jupyter Notebk
Memanfaatkan Kekuatan Data Lake
Solid waste incinerator
SiNP for Rice Plant growth: Ideas
LLM: Prompt engineering
ML for data hidden pattern
Finding ML problems to solve
Folder-based Datalake for Student
Prodi Sains Data
Finding case, data, code
Intro to TensorFlow Playground
Data Science and Python venv
Metadata in brief
ML synthetic data with Python
Practicing Python for ML
ANN with spreadsheet
Neural network intro
ML for plant x
Source of data
Monte Carlo Integration
Journal introduction with AI
Discrete Fourier Transform
Research topics for students
Data and data-something
Repository progress report
NumPy array and observation
Numerical integration examples
Learn to manage HPC
ID province data
Numerical integration
Is it about wave?
ML for species identification
Fourier decomposition example:
Fourier series short intro
2023 info
Physics in Pura Mangkunegaran:
Some features on Hugo
Discussion for RGBI 2024 proposal
Fast Fourier Transform in Python
Noise and vibration: A pre-study
Nuclear data with ML
Descriptive statistics: An intro
Economics of surrounding cities
intro to pandas DataFrame
cmd, venv, jupyter notebook
Noise & Vibration Study
Plot with Matplotlib
Plot 1-, 2-, 3-d data
Notebook on Gist
Python list