binary plot2 pasir
1 min read ·
Introduction to Pasir 0.0.5 in how to generate artificial datasets with two features for binary classification.
- Intro to Pasir 0.05: Binary classification data with two features
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- version 20241128_v5
- Outline
- Intro 3
- Generate and visualize datasets 13
- Range of x1 and x2 23
- Labels 33
- Markers 43
- Equations 63
- Linear lines 67
- Quadratic lines 77
- Other curved lines 87
- Tasks 94
- Closing 98
$$\tag{1} f(x) = \left\{ \begin{matrix} 1, & x > 0, \newline 0, & x \le 0. \end{matrix} \right. $$
$$\tag{2} \begin{array}{rcl} f(x) & = & (c _{00}) \newline & + & (c _{10} x + c _{01} y) \newline & + & (c _{20} x^2 + c _{11} xy + c _{02} y^2) \newline & + & (c _{30} x^3 + c _{21} x^2y + c _{12} xy^2 + c _{03} y^3) \newline & + & \dots \newline & + & (c _{n0} x^n + c _{n-1,1} x^{n-1}y + \dots + c _{1,n-1} xy^{n-1} + c _{0n} y^n) \end{array} $$
$$\tag{3} c _{00} + c _{10} x + c _{01} y = 0. $$
$$\tag{4} (c _{00}) + (c _{10} x + c _{01} y) + (c _{20} x^2 + c _{11} xy + c _{02} y^2) = 0. $$