field of interest

Dengan menggunakan Mermaid [1] dapat dibuat capaian penelitian yang telah diperoleh selama ini.

research road map#

flowchart LR %% element use %% subgraph approach A1 & A2 & A3 end A1 --> T01 --> M01 --> M01a --> P01 A2 --> T02 A2 ---> T03 A3 --> T04 --> T02 --> M02 --> M02a ---> P02 T04 --> T03 --> M02 T01 ---> M02 A2 --> T05 ----> P01 T01 ---> M03 M03 ---> M03a --> P03 & P04 M03 ---> M03b --> P05 & P06 M03 ---> M03c --> P11 T05 --> M04 --> M04a --> P07 T01 ----> M04 A2 --> T06 ---> M05 --> M05a --> P08 M05 ----> M05b --> P09 & P10 & P14 & P21 M05 --> M05c --> P12 M05 --> M05d --> P13 A2 --> T07 --> M06 M06 ----> M06a ---> P15 & P16 M06 --> M06b --> P17 & P18 A2 ----> T08 ----> P19 M05 --> M05e --> P20 M05b --> P20 %% element definition %% approach A1(( exp )) T01([ material ]) M01([ polymer ]) M01a( PANI ) P01[ Electro-
mechanics ] M03([ granular]) M03a( sphere ) P03[ Oscillation ] P04[ Segregation ] M03b( disk ) P05[ Brazil Nut
Effect ] P06[ Compaction ] M03c( cement
raw meal ) P11[ Semi-Autogenous
Grinding Mill ] A2(( com )) T02([ MNDO ]) T03([ CI ]) M02([ oligomer ]) M02a( DR1 ) P02[ Nonlinear
Optics ] T05([ FD ]) M04([ fluids ]) M04a( self-
siphon ) P07[ Single Fluid
Volume Element
Method ] T06([ MD ]) M05([ spherical
particles ]) M05a( gravitation ) P08[Contactopy on
Asteroids] M05b( spring ) P09[ Magnetic
Chain] P10[ Tree
Model] P14[ Microorganism
Organ] P21[ Red Blood Cell
Model ] M05c( water
wave ) P12[HCP Structure] M05d(classical strong
force model) P13[Hydrogen Isotopes
Collision] M05e(bounce
in coil) P20[ Simulation
of Measurement ] T07([ ABM ]) M06([ agent ]) M06a( vehicle ) P15[ City Visiting
Probability ] P16[ Origin-Destination
Matrix ] M06b( particle ) P17[ Model for
Spread of Disease ] P18[ Materials Phases ] T08([ SD ]) P19[ Green Sea Port
Simulation] A3(( the )) T04([ QM ]) %% %% class use class A1 approach class A2 approach class A3 approach class T01 field class T02 field class T03 field class T04 field class T05 field class T06 field class T07 field class T08 field class M01 material class M02 material class M03 material class M04 material class M05 material class M06 material class M01a molecule class M02a molecule class M03a molecule class M03b molecule class M03c molecule class M04a molecule class M05a molecule class M05b molecule class M05c molecule class M05d molecule class M05e molecule class M06a molecule class M06b molecule class P01 phenomenon class P02 phenomenon class P03 phenomenon class P04 phenomenon class P05 phenomenon class P06 phenomenon class P07 phenomenon class P08 phenomenon class P09 phenomenon class P10 phenomenon class P11 phenomenon class P12 phenomenon class P13 phenomenon class P14 phenomenon class P15 phenomenon class P16 phenomenon class P17 phenomenon class P18 phenomenon class P19 phenomenon class P20 phenomenon class P21 phenomenon %% class style definition classDef approach fill:#fdd,stroke:#a33,stroke-width:1px classDef field fill:#ffd,stroke:#aa3,stroke-width:1px classDef material fill:#ddf,stroke:#33a,stroke-width:1px classDef molecule fill:#dff,stroke:#3aa,stroke-width:1px classDef phenomenon fill:#bfb,stroke:#3a3,stroke-width:1px

Gambar 1. Peta jalan penelitian yang telah dilakukan selama ini.

Untuk mendapatkan tampilan yang baik, Gambar 1 dilihat dengan menggunakan Google Chrome pada layar berresolusi 900px ×1440px dengan zoom 75% atau 1336px ×768px zoom 100% (perlu scroll up and down).


  • PANI: Polyaniline.
  • FD: Finite Difference.
  • DR1: Disperse Red 1.
  • MNDO: Modified Neglect of Diatomic Overlap.
  • CI: Configuration Interaction
  • QM: Quantum Mechanics.
  • MD: Molecular Dynamics.
  • ABM: Agent-Based Model.
  • SD: System Dynamics.


  • Menetapkan fokus pada pemodelan dan eksperimen sistem berbasis partikel sferis.
  • Membuat program serba guna berdasarkan berbagai interaksi (kontak, rentang jauh, pengaruh medium) antar dan pada partikel sferis.
  • Melengkapi peta jalan riset pada tulisan lain dengan bentuk yang lebih mudah dibaca, karena masih terdapat beberapa topik yang terlupa (DEM, vibrating plate, falling grains in fluid, displacement of floating body due to wave, particle size analysis, volvox modeling, angle of repose, image processing, machine learning, ANN, butiran project, etc).


  1. Alexandra Souly, “Mermaid: Create diagrams quickly and effortlessly”, Towards Data Science, 1 Jun 2021, url [20220808].
Cite as: viridi, "field of interest", bugx, 8 Aug 2022, url [20221011].