star protocols 1

Terdapat sebuah jurnal yang bersifat akses-terbuka direview-sejawat dari Cell Press yang menerbitkan langkah-per-langkah protokol eksperimen dan komputasi pada bidang sains hayati, kesehatan, kebumian, dan fisika, yang dikenal sebagai STAR (Structured Transparent Accessible Reproducible) Protocols, di mana diperlukan hanya tiga minggu untuk keputusan pertama (sejak naskah dikirimkan sampai diterima berita pertamanya) dan 11.21 minggu waktu pengulasan (mulai dari pengiriman naskah sampai diperoleh keputusan akhir editor) yang merupakan suatu metrik unjuk kerja yang mengagumkan [1].


Terdapat beberapa interaksi dengan STAR Protocols.

  • 22-Jun-2022 0321 STAR Protocols Registration, ‘The editors may have registered you for one of the some reasons.’.
  • 22-Jun-2022 0325 STAR Protocols, ‘Your expertise seems appropriate to give feedback on this protocol. Would you be willing to review?’
  • 23-Jun-2022 1231 STAR Protocols Request for Review STAR-PROTOCOLS-D-22-00449, ‘We recently contacted you regarding the STAR Protocols STAR-PROTOCOLS-D-22-00449.’.
  • 25-Jun-2022 1225 STAR Protocols Request for Review STAR-PROTOCOLS-D-22-00449, ‘We recently contacted you regarding the STAR Protocols STAR-PROTOCOLS-D-22-00449.’.
  • 27-Jun-2022 1223 STAR Protocols Request for Review STAR-PROTOCOLS-D-22-00449, ‘We recently contacted you regarding the STAR Protocols STAR-PROTOCOLS-D-22-00449.’.
    • 27-Jun-2022 1223 Reply, ‘Is it ok to delay the decision to accept the invitation since I will not able to return the comments in 10 days, when I click the link today?’.
      • 28-Jun-2022 0055 Reply, ‘I would be happy to offer an extra week to submit the review comments (July 14).’.
        • 28-Jun-2022 0316 Reply, ‘Yes, please mark our communication as the invitation is accepted. July 14 is adequate for me to submit the comments.’.
          • 28-Jun-2022 0335 Reply, ‘I have now accepted this review invitation for you and updated the deadline. ‘.
  • 28-Jun-2022 0334 STAR Protocols Reviewer Assignment, ‘Thank you for agreeing to review the STAR Protocols protocol STAR-PROTOCOLS-D-22-00449. We’d be grateful if you would return your review to us by Jul 14, 2022’.

Gambar 1. Langkah-langkah pengulas untuk suatu makalah STAR Protocols.

Informasi terakhir yang diterima adalah alur kerja atau langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan seorang pengulas, sebagaimana diberikan pada Gambar 1.

Diduga bahwa terdapat karya [2, 3] yang mengaitkan dengan kepakaran yang diperlukan, untuk “Implementing a global method for simulating agent-based models with molecular dynamics”.


  1. “STAR Protocols”, Elsevier Inc., 2022, url [20220628].
  2. Sparisoma Viridi, Suprijadi, Anggraini Barlian, Damar Rastri Adhika, “Molecular dynamics (MD) method and agent-based model (ABM) in simulation of stem cell deposition on the surface with nanopattern: Current development stage of an in-house simulator”, in The 9th National Physics Seminar, (SNF)-2020, edited by Hadi Nasbey, Riser Fahdiran, Widyaningrum Indrasari, Esmar Budi, Fauzi Bakri, Teguh Budi Prayitno, Dewi Muliyati, AIP Conference Proceedings 2320, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2021, pp. 050043, url
  3. S. Viridi, A. D. Mauluda, S. H. Pratama, Suprijadi, “Simulation of cell budding and binary fission: A preliminary study using molecular dynamics and agent-based model”, in 2020 International Conference and School on Physics in Medicine and Biosystem: Physics Contribution in Medicine and Biomedical Applications, (ICSPMB)-2020, edited by Lukmanda Evan Lubis, Nur Aisyah Nuzulia, Nur Rahmah Hidayati, AIP Conference Proceedings 2346, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2021, pp. 020010, url
Cite as: viridi, "star protocols 1", bugx, 28 Jun 2022, url [20221011].