food sci technol china

A colleague [1] has announced something very interesting in a DAAD Alumni WAG. It was Monday, 20 June 2022 about 1234 GMT+07, there is an offer about summer course online related to Food and Pharmaceutical Science College with target of 100 college students (ASEAN, will get SKPI), where the thema is Food Science and Technology China, where each lecturer or instructor will delivery materials in English about 60-90 minutes. There is an information related to SKPI [2], which will be given to participants of the event.


Terdapat beberapa topik yang terpikirkan untuk mengaitkan bidang kajian dan topik dalam summer course.

flowchart TD %% element use subgraph Region direction LR R1 -.- R2 end subgraph   direction LR subgraph Skill direction TB S1 -.- S2 -.- S3 -.- S4 end subgraph Course direction TB C1 -.- C2 -.- C3 end end Region -.- Course %% element definition S1([ Modelling ]) S2([ Computation ]) S3([ Simulation ]) S4([ Granular ]) C1[/ Food Science /] C2[/ Pharmaceutical Science /] C3[/ Food Technology /] R1(( World )) R2(( China )) %% class use class Skill green class Course red class Region blue %% class style definition classDef green fill:#cfc,stroke:#3a3,stroke-width:2px classDef red fill:#fcc,stroke:#a33,stroke-width:2px classDef blue fill:#ccf,stroke:#33a,stroke-width:2px

Gambar 1. Kata-kata kunci terkait kemampuan yang dimiliki (Skill), materi (Course), dan wilayan geografis kajian (Region).


  1. -, “AB Sudanto”, Google Schoolar, url [20220624].
  2. Admin Sevima, “Apa Itu Surat Keterangan Pendamping Ijazah (SKPI)?”, SEVIMA, 21 Sep 2020, url [20220624].
Cite as: viridi, "food sci technol china", bugx, 26 Jun 2022, url [20221011].