

0 01-May-2024 some terms related to log1 30-Apr-2024 meetup to collab idea2 29-Apr-2024 simulation, ai, data science3 28-Apr-2024 natural lighting for vertical farming4 27-Apr-2024 learning the edsence5 26-Apr-2024 some formulas in accreditation6 25-Apr-2024 old posts migration7 24-Apr-2024 sum-mul-exp hyperoperation seq8 23-Apr-2024 euler method for simple motion9 22-Apr-2024 ffnn schematic and matrix10 21-Apr-2024 generate synthetic data for ml11 20-Apr-2024 slides sharing 3rd generation12 19-Apr-2024 mangrove in bahrain13 18-Apr-2024 stress-strain analysis for ml14 17-Apr-2024 neural network architectures intro15 16-Apr-2024 activation function intro16 15-Apr-2024 github repo for datasets17 14-Apr-2024 where to find ml datasets18 13-Apr-2024 machine learning on medium19 12-Apr-2024 latex equations on hugo20 11-Apr-2024 some html elements with js on hugo21 10-Apr-2024 fun with random number js css html22 09-Apr-2024 svg simple animations using css23 08-Apr-2024 svg simple examples24 07-Apr-2024 html unordered list25 06-Apr-2024 flowchart and mermaid26 05-Apr-2024 have no idea

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