
list of slides

Sparisoma Viridi
5 mins read ·

List of slides to achieve a presentation with 100 slides (or more).



  1. 09-dec-2024 v3 edwnq python_package_lumpur.pdf 120 💯+
    “Create and upload Python package: lumpur as an example”.
  2. 28-nov-2024 v5 jftmw pasir_intro_feat2_class2.pdf 100 💯
    “Intro to Pasir0.0.5: Binary classification data with two features”.
  3. 24-nov-2024 v0 prc56 keras_hands_on_intro.pdf 14
    “Hands-on intro to Keras: With Some additional info”.
  4. 21-nov-2024 v1 h8rz3 fi2151_surv_discuss.pdf 40
    “FI2151 2024-1 survey discussion: Review current learning process in the class”.
  5. 21-nov-2024 v0 zpyrq hands_on_practice_in_python.pdf 15
    “Hands-on practice in Python: For machine learning in physics”.
  6. 20-nov-2024 v1 p4ykz multi_dim_viz.pdf 27
    “Multidimensional visualization: Static and dynamic approaches”.
  7. 19-nov-2024 v7 9vxfz perceptron_learning_intro.pdf 100 💯
    “Further intro to perceptron: Datasets generation, classification, and learning”.


  1. 17-nov-2024 v1 xye3s random_walk_displacement.pdf 100 💯
    “Random walk displacement: Illustrations, analyses, and problems”.
  2. 15-nov-2024 v0 t96na rbl_report_w1_sk5010.pdf 33
    “SK5010 RBL weekly report 1: A progress report”.
  3. 14-nov-2024 v4 2yqsu random_walk_intro.pdf 57
    “Random walk intro: Some examples in Python”.
  4. 14-nov-2024 v3 gfq9y model_short_intro.pdf 100 💯
    “Short intro to model: Types, illustrations, examples”.
  5. 13-nov-2024 xc3d8 rbl_progress_sk5010_2024_1.pdf 21
    “Research-Based Learning SK5010Progress report on week 10”.
  6. 12-nov-2024 26v4e perceptron_intro.pdf 50
    “Intro to perceptron: Some artificial datasets as illustration”.
  7. 11-nov-2024 v2 svxy4 ml_short_intro.pdf 42
    “Short intro to Machine Learning: Some references and other things”.
  8. 09-nov-2024 v1 atc28 rbl_refine_sk5010_2024_1.pdf 53
    “Topics for Science Visualization: Refinement of RBL with current knowledge”.
  9. 31-oct-2024 v3 6j3q9 integrated_soil_sensor_intro.pdf 25
    “Integrated soil sensorAn intro from non-sensor techie”.
  10. 31-oct-2024 v1 vtwd5 learning_ansys_structures.pdf 49
    “Learning Ansys Structures: Third day in a four days training”.


  1. 30-oct-2024 v0 hj9mz launch_ansys_offline.pdf 33
    “Launch Ansys offlineon Windows 11: Experiment on Ansys Workbench”.
  2. 30-oct-2024 v2 63ajt start_learning_ansys_fluent.pdf 122 💯+
    “Start learning Ansys Fluenton Windows: A training on Ansys Fluent and Mechanical Packages”.
  3. 30-oct-2024 v2 p95tw viz_in_sci_241.pdf 66
    “Visualization in science: A Reflection before midterm of a course in 24-1”.
  4. 30-oct-2024 v4 npyza ansys_installation.pdf 73
    “Ansys packages installation on Windows: A training on Ansys Fluent and Mechanical”.
  5. 27-oct-2024 v3 zpn57 model_data_gen_analysis_241.pdf 44
    “Modeling, Data Generator, n AnalysisA Reflection before midterm of a course in 24-1”.
  6. 27-oct-2024 v4 vbjnu tech_writing_int_j_241.pdf 37
    “Scientific journal writing: A Reflection before midterm of a course in 24-1”.
  7. 26-oct-2024 v7 ypc9z python_rand_dist_vis.pdf 100 💯
    “Random distribution visualization: Some use of Python built-in module random”.
  8. 25-oct-2024 vA m7356 brief_intro_random_number.pdf 100 💯
    “Brief intro to random number: Some simple examples in Python”.
  9. 22-oct-2024 v1 rzdes sand_color_water_content.pdf 25
    “Sand color due to water content: Visual-based observation of a physical property”.
  10. 18-oct-2024 v0 8zjgc research_reimbursement_system.pdf 41
    “Research reimbursement system: A faculty research grant on composite”.


  1. 01-oct-2024 v3 zgyc3 intro_matplotlib_scatter_plot.pdf 80
    “Intro to Matplotlib scatter plot: Create scatter plot graph with Python”.
  2. 30-sep-2024 v7 y5rp8 intro_matplotlib_line_plot_.pdf 100 💯
    “Intro to Matlotlibline plot: Create line graph with Python”.
  3. 28-sep-2024 v4 54ngr python_basics_jupyter_notebook.pdf 45
    “Python basics and more: Examples with Jupyter notebook + Gist”.
  4. 23-sep-2024 v2 6vyau unlimited_visualization_ideas.pdf 109 💯+
    “Unlimited visualization ideas: Some examples”.
  5. 20-sep-2024 v3 9ukby nightingale_rose_diagram_coxcomb_chart.pdf 53
    “Visualization with coxcomb chart: Florence Nightingale’s rose diagram”.
  6. 19-sep-2024 v4 m6qvr software_and_platform_installation.pdf 79
    “Software and platform installation: Python and JupyterNotebook”.
  7. 18-sep-2024 v3 q2n58 scientific_visualization_brief_history.pdf 23
    “Scientific visualizationA brief history”.
  8. 01-sep-2024 v0 h6a9w standard_image_size_for_slide.pdf 12
    “Standard Image in DOCX: Propose standard size for PPTX slide”.
  9. 01-sep-2024 v1 9k8tu acrylic_pan_granulator.pdf 16
    “Acrylic pan granulator(design): Study of pan granulator in pseudo 2-d”.
  10. 21-aug-2024 v1 fsx94 acrylic_plate_perforation_effect_elasticity.pdf 22
    “Effect of perforations on the elastic properties of acrylic plates: Data collection of a tensile test study”.


  1. 14-aug-2024 v3 afsek pengenalan_pemanfaatan_data_lake.pdf 122 💯+
    “Data lake dengan Python dan Jupyter Notebook Pengenalandan PemanfaatanSederhananya”.
  2. 14-aug-2024 v2b cb9gj memanfaatkan_kekuatan_data_lake.pdf 54
    “Memanfaatkan Kekuatan Data Lake; Pendekatan Lintas Disiplin terhadap Manajemen File dan Data”.
  3. 17-jul-2024 v2 thpfy solid_waste_incinerator_discussion.pdf 22
    “Solid waste incinerator: Discussion and plan”.
  4. 26-jun-2024 v1 f6dvj rki_si_np_progress_jun_2024.pdf 23
    “SiNP for Rice Plant growth: Ideas: Progress report on Jun 2024”.
  5. 19-jun-2024 v3 khdw9 prompt_engineering_nanoteens_2024.pdf 58
    “LLM: Prompt engineering: The art of asking question to AI assistant”.
  6. 16-jun-2024 v4 hvu2m ml_data_hidden_pattern_seek_info.pdf 50
    “ML for data hidden pattern: Preparation for a talk in Nanoteens 2024”.
  7. 13-jun-2024 v1 ma6dj rbl_about_ml.pdf 20
    “Finding ML problems to solve: Research-based learning in Machine Learning”.
  8. 01-jun-2024 v4 xq3mb folder_based_datalake_for_student.pdf 36
    “Folder-based Datalake for Student: Reflection, experience, and proposal”.
  9. 23-may-2024 v1 3at6h prodi_sains_data.pdf 33
    “Prodi Sains Data: Sekilas Informasinya di Indonesia”.
  10. 17-may-2024 v0 aykwd ml_final_assignment.pdf 20
    “Finding case, data, code: Final assignment for a machine learning course”.


  1. 17-may-2024 v3 43baq tensorflow_playground.pdf 63
    “Intro to TensorFlow Playground: A fun way to learn Neural Network Concepts”.
  2. 28-jan-2024 v1 jn3yq meta_data_in_brief.pdf 72
    “Metadata in brief: ☺”.
  3. 29-jan-2024 v3 tzvsw data_science_and_python_env.pdf 35
    “Data Science and Python venv: ☺”
  4. 21-apr-2024 v0 wqv3z ml_synthetic_data_with_python.pdf 50
    “ML synthetic data with Python: Creating and testing a dataset example”.
  5. 21-apr-2024 v4 k8b7q practicing_python_for_ml.pdf 50
    “Practicing Python for ML: Finding and testing examples”.
  6. 20-apr-2024 v7 3ksmu neural_network_intro.pdf 51
    “Neural network intro: .. ☺``”.
  7. 20-apr-2024 v2 42tq9 ann_with_spreadsheet.pdf 52
    “ANN with spreadsheet: Using Excel to illustrate feed forward network”.
  8. 04-apr-2024 v0 5x7zt ml_for_plant_x.pdf 10
    “ML for plant x: A proposed analysis”.
  9. 04-apr-2024 v1 3rb8k source_of_data.pdf 19
    “Source of data: Type, limitation, validation, etc”
  10. 04-apr-2024 v2.rev 9ykqu intro_monte_carlo: _integration.pdf 91
    “Monte Carlo Integration: A very short intro with examples”.


  1. 07-mar-2024 v9 3s7kb journal_intro_with_ai_help.pdf 100 💯
    “Journal introduction with AI: AI-assisted content creating”.
  2. 26-mar-2024 v0 z9f35 create_your_dft_code.pdf 24
    “Discrete Fourier Transform: Create your own code”.
  3. 25-mar-2024 v0 d8s6m research_topics_for_students.pdf 7
    “Research topics for students: From granular particle based systems to ML”.
  4. 25-mar-2024 v7 an2bs 100 💯
    “Data and data-something: Some terms related to data”.
  5. tdcqu
  6. ewp5s
  7. b7xud
  8. ks42z
  9. 2akug
  10. mdc8w


  1. cgj74
  2. 6fsy9
  3. ukcmw
  4. eupys
  5. zqyb2
  6. 59zrc
  7. u9gkh
  8. rfexm
  9. k6mr9
  10. fcy8p


  1. 26-feb-2024 v0 p8f43 pre_nuc_data_ml.pdf v0 15
    “Nuclear data with ML” An intro for Riset Kolaborasi Indonesia".
  2. 25-feb-2024 v9 zqkv9 intro_descriptive_statistics.pdf 116 💯+
    “Descriptive statistics: An intro: Characterize distributions with Python”.
  3. 25-feb-2024 v0 p4xnw econ_study.pdf 9
    “Economics of surrounding cities: Defining variables, formulas, and models”.
  4. 23-feb-2024 v4 6t48k intro_pandas_dataframe.pdf 67
    “intro to pandas DataFrame: create, access, read/write from/to file”.
  5. 22-feb-2024 v2 kgw5f cmd_venv_jupyter_notebook.pdf 43
    “cmd, venv, jupyternotebook: Launch, new, open, close, shut down”.
  6. 20-feb-2024 v0 z7gkf noise_vibration_pre_study.pdf 35
    “Noise & Vibration Study: A proposal for preliminary study”.
  7. 19-feb-2024 v0 saf8z plot_with_matplotlib.pdf 19
    “Plot with Matplotlib: Line plot, various plots, contour plot”.
  8. 18-feb-2024 v1 zp2y7 plot_n_dim_data.pdf 39
    “Plot 1-, 2-, 3-d data: Line, scatter, contour plots in Matplotlib”.
  9. 18-feb-2024 v2 pxcra notebook_on_gist.pdf 50
    “Notebook on Gist: Share your JupyterNotebook file on GitHub Gist”.
  10. 18-feb-2024 v7 rxu7v python_list.pdf 90
    “Python list: Introduction with examples”.