
day 2 in a sawit event

Sparisoma Viridi
3 mins read ·

An activity to kill the time

There is populer blog entry on Medium about yesterday [^viridi_2024].

morning session

It in Room A with Moderator Toni.

It is now 0841 and a researcher, Dr. Chee-Kang Teh, from Malaysia is presenting his current achievement. Unfortunately, most of the materiasl he speaks, I do not understand.

Do not collaborate with other companya and it has its own palm field. We solve our onw problem.

Ciptadi Achmat Yusus (RPN), Ciko Jhon Karunia Simamora (Untan), Dr. Eng. Ir. Irwan Widodo ST, M.Eng., CDTM (ITS), Dr. Lila Yumana (ITS), Sri Wening S.P., M.Si., Ph.D. (RPN).

It is now the presenter Ciptadi Achmat Yusus (RPN) about 0849. Busuk pangkal batang, Ganoderma. Sudah tahun kedua.

Mendeteksi lebih awal ganoderma sebelum terekspresi secara fisis.

Prayudi: How about the season influence?
Cipatadi: At least it affects the host, palm plant. In dry season spear leaves is more than in wet season, stress due to water scarcity. But ganoderma is weaker in dry season. Internal control is independent of the season, but external reqires water of dissolution, which is better on rainy season.

Ciko Jhon Karunia Simamora begins at 0900 and also about ganoderma. Masih tahun pertama. Universitas Tanjung Pura, Kalimantan Barat. Terdapat isolat ganoderma yang resistan terhadap pestisida yang umum digunakan.

There are some molecular-based detection to identify ganoderma. But some approach like replanting, prevention are not good because it can be reinfected. More to curation.

Egrek digital, 0909, Erwin Widodo. Satu bilah per semester, atau dua per tahun dibutuhkan. Pemanen bila sudah ditarget, matang atau belum tetap dipanen. Kerugian bila sampai dikirim ke pabrik CPO karena telah menghabiskan biaya. Egrek i s now v5 as of today.

Image-based (RGB scale) detection using AI it learns about ripeness of palm fruit. It achieves about 90-95% with about 30,000 samples.

Can it use not only one three by three, but in general, so it can have multi trees. It will more efficient. Previous reseach has problem when record in distance? Noise is normally introduced.

0923 is now the time for Dr. Lila Yumana. Angkong listrik, gerobak listrik.

In the field, when the chart is too low, it will sink to the ground due to earth condition. Also width of the wheel. Low wearing capacity. Only tested for 50 kg, how about 150 kg? More ground pressure. Better more torque than velocity.

Safira, Sawit Efisieni Hara. Sri Wening 0936. Terutama untuk nitrogen dan atau kalium. Terdapat populasi yang efisien, dengan metobolit berbeda. Dicari biomarka tananaman terkait. Ada eksperesi gen yang menggambarkan tanaman yang efisien dalam memanfaatkan kalium dan atau nitrogen.

More elaboration? Not efficiency but modify the plant instead of fertilizer management. Many factors cause the ineffiency. Full package on plant genetics, fertilizer management, slow released, etc.

GPT-4o tells the story about relation between FFA and PLS regression on Raman spectroscopy 1.

Toni pupuk langka saat di Pandemi, lalu lanjut dengan perang Rusia-Ukraina. Hanya perusahaan besar yang bisa, petani nyaris tidak memupuk, sehingga total hanya 50% dari penanaman yang melakukan pemupukan.

raman potential

How about using Raman to detect it as prevention?


  1. url [20241004]. ↩︎
