
plan aws cert

Sparisoma Viridi
2 mins read ·

Note on plan of AWS certifications related to PPKM-FI-FMIPA-2024 led by Dr. Acep Purqon.

Two classes offered by AWS is CPE on 18 Dec 2024, virtual, Dr. Nurhasan and me, and SAA on 19, 20, 23 Dec 2024, on site, Dr. Acep Purqon and me. A discussion with AI assistant informs me that whether our institution does have AWS or does not, this expertise (SAA) still bring significant value, even when it does not perform AWS adoption immediatly 1.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA) is a category of technical certifications offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) for beginners and professionals who run enterprise architecture programs, as well as solutions architects, which covers deployment of AWS systems, AWS best practices, and many other topics 2.

The AWS Cloud Practitioner Essential is for anyone who wants to learn about the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud in general, rather than for specialised technical roles, in where you will investigate AWS Cloud principles, AWS services, security, architecture, and pricing to improve your AWS Cloud knowledge 3.

I am not sure whether I can handle the knowledge given in the course since I am totally new to the AWS. I have only once want to learn, visited the site, and then left since it required registration and then also payment. So, this is a good opportunity to learn. But without implementation, I am worried that the knowledge obtained during the courses will be decayed with the time.

But I think, an opportunit to learn is still an opportunity. Perhaps this knowledge with certifcation will open other opportunity led to implementation, right? I hope so.

  1. GPT-4o, “AWS SAA Certification Guide”, Chat GPT, 13 Dec 2024, url [20241213]. ↩︎

  2. Laura Fitzgibbons, “AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate”, TechTarget, 12 Jul 2018, url [20241213]. ↩︎

  3. Aarathy Unnikrishnan, Prateek Kataria, “AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials 2022”, saasguru, 14 Jun 2022, url [20241213]. ↩︎
