refs from wa
2 mins read ·
Some references obtained via WhatsApp communication, mostly in group, while some are personally.
Bahlil Lahadalia, “Kebijakan, Kelembagaan, dan Tata Kelola Hilirisasi Nikel yang Berkeadilan dan Berkelanjutan di Indonesia”, Doctoral Thesis, 2024, url .14-oct-2024
Xin Wang, “Higher Education as a Field of Study in China: Defining Knowledge and Curriculum Structure (Emerging Perspectives on Education in China)”, Lexington Books, 1st edition, Mar 2010, url .14-oct-2024
Masaki Adachi, “Mixture-of-Experts Ensemble with Hierarchical Deep Metric Learning for Spectroscopic Identification”, Workshop on Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences, NeuerIPS, Session 3, Poster 9, 13 Dec 2021, url .12-oct-2024
Haiping Huang, “Statistical Mechanics of Neural Networks”, Springer Nature, 5th edition, Jan 2022, url .12-oct-2024
Benjamin Dedieu, Hugo Rousseau, Julien Chauchat, and Philippe Frey, “Exploring the size ratio impact on an intruder segregating in bedload transport”, Physical Review Fluids, vol 9, no 10, p 104302, Oct 2024, url .11-oct-2024
Tim Penulis, “Panduan Penggunaan Generative Artificial Intelligence (genAI) pada Pembelajaran di Perguruan Tinggi”, Direktorat Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan, Direktoral Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi, Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi, Indonesia, Edisi 1, Cetakan 1, 2024, url .
Some references might be also appeared in other notes when they are used, related to this note or not. Actually, this note is just an entry note for where undecided references should be attached at. The plan is to use them later at least in a note. It is some kind of better level of temp
folder, which stores unhandled files from Donwloads
folder. Now the files are already stored in OSF and metadata are available in bug 2.