
redevelop butiran

Sparisoma Viridi
1 min read ·

Evaluate butiran and redevelop it again with additional force representing surface tension.

The library butiran has been developed, first in JavaScript 1 and later in Python 2, but both are stucked. Now it is time to evaluate it and redevelop it with mix programming languange and other software. If still in JS put the code in CodePen might be considered 3, since it is easier than hosted on GitHub.

Following are notes produced in redeveloping butiran. Some might not be really related, but necessary.

This page will serve as entry note in this site for other notes related to the project.

  1. Sparisoma Viridi, “butiran.js, a simple JS-based simulator for agent-based model”, Medium, 10 Jul 2023, url [20241013]. ↩︎

  2. Sparisoma Viridi, “butiran py”, bugx, 13 Sep 2022, url [20241013]. ↩︎

  3. Sparisoma Viridi, “CodePen in a story on Medium”, Medium, 24 Jul 2023, url [20241013]. ↩︎
