
system 2-mass 1-spring

Sparisoma Viridi
1 min read ·

System of two mass and one spring

Two frictionless and free moving masses connected by a spring will have two natural frequencies, where one is zero 1. The system can be considered as similar system with two springs 2, but with the second spring is unattached to a fix point. Simpler system with only one mass but with massful spring is still interesting 3.

  1. Alfred Centauri, “Two mass one-spring system natural frequency”, Physics Stack Exchange, 6 May 2016, url [20241007]. ↩︎

  2. William L. Hallauer Jr., “Undamped Two-Mass-Two-Spring System” in Introduction to Linear Time-Invariant Dynamic Systems for Students of Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 23 May 2022, url [20241007]. ↩︎

  3. James T. Cushing, “”, American Journal of Physics, vol 53, no 10, p 925-933, Oct 1984, url ↩︎
