learn to build a team

Find right person for the team
A critical step in building a successful and thriving organization is hiring the right employees, because team members are the backbone of the business, and their skills, attitudes, and contributions play a significant role in company’s success 1. Hiring for current or past expertise or pedigree is the biggest mistake most organizations make in technology, since past performance does not guarantee future returns and any manager or executive, who has had to fire someone, can attest to this 2. Excitement should be spotted on the candidates, so if they are not excited, then they are not the right person for the organization, beacuse only team members, who share enthusiasm and passion for what the organization is building, are what it needs 3. Bringing success to an organization is never an individual journey, it is more a reflection of the total value of the supporting team, that small businesses especially understand how one bad hire can ruin the productivity of the entire team 4.
Learning how to build a team is what I want to learn, especially in the hiring step. Learning by doing approach 5 is what I use and document in this post. It would be rater a documentation than a tutorial.
Yesterday afternoon there was an online meeting 6 as continuation of previous unofficial-internal one 7, where a factor to be overcome is right person to say at the site if the proposal accepted and funded. I am not familiar with the art of finding that kind of person, more to be lack of knowledge about it. But an attempt has been performed this morning only based on trust and previous experieneces 8.
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Paul Lundin, “How To Hire & Lead Great Teams”, Startup Grind – Medium, 2 Sep 2016, url https://medium.com/p/9bba962e1fd6 [20240503]. ↩︎
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