install llama locally

Find right resource to install Llama locallya
A six-days-ago story on Medium about installing Llama 3 locally 1, triggers me to learn about Llama. It sounds so simple and I can not believe it right away, since the steps to install Llama 2 is not so easy 2. How install Llama 1 can not be found. OOT, even there is a lot advantages of LLM, but there is also carbon impact to be considered 3.
Renjith R Krishnan, “Llama 3: Running locally in just 2 steps”, Medium, 26 Apr 2024, url [20240502]. ↩︎
Navyata Bawa, Suraj Subramanian, “5 Steps to Getting Started with Llama 2”, Meta AI, 15 Nov 2023, url [20240502]. ↩︎
Brendan Kamp, “Yet another AI blog post: Carbon Impact of Large Language Models”, The Green Coder – Medium, 18 Dec 2023, url [20240502]. ↩︎