
KaTeX support

1 min read ·

Add support for displaying LaTeX equations with KaTeX.


Copy math.html from themes\hugo-coder\layouts\partials\posts to layouts\partials\posts folder.

Copy single.html from themes\default\layouts\posts to layouts\posts.

Insert following line from Hugo Coder to single.html

 {{ partial "posts/math.html" . }}

before {{ end }}.

create post

Create a new post with CLI

D:\blank>hugo new content posts\
Content "D:\\blank\\content\\posts\\" created

Edit the post and add math = true in front matter of a post in order to get KaTeX support for displaying LaTeX equations.

write latex equations

D:\blank>"C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" content\posts\

This is an equation $y = ax^2 + bx + c$ with inline mode. And the following

$$\tag{1} y = \frac{\alpha x^2 + \beta x^2 + \gamma}{\sqrt{1 - \sin e^x}} $$

is with display mode.

Inline mode $y = ax^2 + bx + c$


y = \frac{\alpha x^2 + \beta x^2 + \gamma}{\sqrt{1 - \sin e^x}}