ai bio-fertiz dev
06-mar-2025 jxuze Online discussion-1 ai-dev biofertiz-palm. 20-feb-2025 vuagw Microbe biofertilizer consortium design. Adi Pancoro, “Mengembangkan model AI untuk merancang konsorsium biofertilizer mikrobayang optimal untuk perkebunan kelapa sawit dengan mengintegrasikan pengambilan sampel tanah, fisiologi tanaman, kumpulan data produksi, dan data metagenomik”, private communication, 20 Feb 2025. 27-mar-2024 g7hpv Sawit production prediction with ML and refs. Michiel Schreurs, Supinya Piampongsant, Miguel Roncoroni, Lloyd Cool, Beatriz Herrera-Malaver, Christophe Vanderaa, Florian A. Theßeling, Łukasz Kreft, Alexander Botzki, Philippe Malcorps, Luk Daenen, Tom Wenseleers, Kevin J.porosity resistivity
20-feb-2025 hske4 Topic determination and refs. P. S. Liu, T. F. Li, C. Fu, “Relationship between electrical resistivity and porosity for porous metals”, Materials Science and Engineering A, vol 268, no 1-2, p 208-215, Aug 1999, url . J. M. Montes, F. G. Cuevas, J. Cintas, “Electrical Resistivity of Metal Powder Aggregates”, Mettalurgical and Materials Transactions B, vol 38, no -, p 957-964, Dec 2007, url . Juan Manuel Montes, Francisco Gómez Cuevas, Jesús Cintas, Fátima Ternero, Eduardo Sánchez Caballero, “Electrical Resistivity of Powdered Porous Compacts”, in Electrical and Electronic Properties of Materials, ch 2, Md.etnoflow package init
customs raman
plan aws cert
Note on plan of AWS certifications related to PPKM-FI-FMIPA-2024 led by Dr. Acep Purqon.
purqon ag res
Note on research projects in AP-AG related to air pollution and smart cities.
munir ag res
Note on research projects in MM-AG related to nano-fiber, I-V meter, and instrumentation.
djamal ag res
Note on research projects in MD-AG related to Raman spectroscopy use and others.
corrosion halal detection
Initial discussion with a company about some possibillities for research collaboration.
pani nanorod model
p2mi 2024 composite
A P2MI Research Grant lead by Prof. Widayani about organic composite.