

rice growth stages 120-day var

Vegetative Germination Transplanting Active tillering End of effective tillering Maximum tiller number Reproductive Panicle primordia initiation Booting Heading Ripening Heading Milky Dough Yellow ripe Maturity pdf

irri code growth stages

When reporting results for specific characters, use this code to identify the stage of plant growth at which the observation was recorded. Code Stage 1 Germination 2 Seedling 3 Tillering 4 Stem elongation 5 Booting 6 Heading 7 Milk stage 8 Dough stage 9 Mature grain

rice panicle formation

It is the change from a vegetative apical meristem to a reproductive apical meristem. Some observeable panicle characteristics are the panicle type, the secondary branching of the panicle, the panicle axis and the panicle exsertion. Division: a) type are compact, intermediate, open; b) secondary branching are absent, light, heavy, clustering; c) axis are droopy, straight; d) exertion are well exerted, moderately well exerted, just exerted, partly exerted, enclosed.

rice growth stages

01 Germination (0–7 days) The seed absorbs water and begins sprouting. The radicle (root) and plumule (shoot) emerge. 02 Seedling Stage (7–21 days) The first leaves appear, and roots develop. The plant establishes itself in the soil. 03 Tillering Stage (22–45 days) The plant produces multiple stems (tillers). More leaves and roots develop. 04 Stem Elongation (45–60 days) The plant grows taller, preparing for reproductive growth. Nutrients and energy accumulate for panicle formation.