
Sparisoma Viridi is granular physicist who likes doing programming.

ideal gas sys eqns

mind map concept map

nt8098-01 2024-2

12-mar-2025 Concept map and mind map. 05-mar-2025 Develop a research question. 26-feb-2025 Finding research topic. 19-feb-2025 Accounts creation and self-introductory article.

wed 12.03.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25c31 s0328 01 Session-04 of nt8098-01 1 25c32 e1104 02 Final rev iradawi zahra 0 25c28 p1100 2

ideal gas

tue 11.03.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25c29 s0413 01 Session-04 of fi5282-01 0 25c12 u2233 02 Ideal gas revisit prep to code 1 25c30 e2234

iradati zahra

10-mar-2025 46kgz Thesis revision. Details Use geospatial approach with 5 parameters. Use geospatial approach with 6 parameters to get depth of sliding plane for 295 points Observe the sliding plane of each point. Correct manually point for Desa Cijedil the depth of sliding plane and resimulate the geospatial approach. Observer change of depth of sliding plane for the other 294 points. Compare the AUC and PRC from Step 1, 2, and 5.


10-mar-2025 e5nwu Current state and bugdet cut. 23-dec-2024 wfz62 CV for member invitation 10-mar-2025 bvxnc Initialize OSF project.


10-mar-2025 2nka6 Offline meeting on FI. 11-jan-2025 74ybv Member system acceptance. 10-mar-2025 7wnze Initialize OSF project.

prop class ideal gas

mon 10.03.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25c24 s0305 01 Prop class ideal gas 0 25c25 u2056 02 Meeting on riim-20251 1 25c26 e1118 03 Info of riim-20252 1 25c27 e1244 04 Info of riim-20252 1 25c28 e1949

ideal gas from bugx

js for fun 1

sun 09.03.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25c21 s0513 01 1st js for fun 1 25c22 e1725 02 Ideal gas from bugx 1 25c23 e2102

unstructured thoughts

integ slide-article

sat 08.03.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25c18 s0344 01 Integ slide-artcle 0 25c19 e1527

fri 07.03.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25c17 s0316 01 Prep for rki2025 (cont) 1 25c16 e2103 02 Defense nh-sv-ira 1 - e0940 03 Discussion for carbon model 1 - e1446 04 Discussion for sand-viz 1 - e1533 05 Staff meeting, new head info 1 - e1111 06 Damars zoom for website 0 - p2100 07 Budget for p2mi-kk, multi-d 1 - e2341


25-mar-2025 a37qj Research grant announcement. 07-mar-2025 5na2b Finalize subproposal. 06-mar-2025 qv7ck Continue subproposal. 05-mar-2025 2s975 Info from rki@its. 03-mar-2025 2e3pm Obtain access from dri@itb. 05-mar-2025 8xnuy Create osf for this res.

thu 06.03.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25c15 s0329 01 Raman-palm lfd-metup 0 25b11 p1100 02 Online meetup p-fertiz 0 25b69 p1400 03 Prep for rki2025 (cont) 0 25c15 p1600 04 Portofolio sk5010 fi2151 1 - e1036

research question

wed 05.03.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25c13 s0655 02 Session of nt6094 1 - p0900 03 Prep for rki2025 1 - e2328

fi5282-01 2024-2

scopus affil quant author pos

Screenshot url

rice growth stages 120-day var

Vegetative Germination Transplanting Active tillering End of effective tillering Maximum tiller number Reproductive Panicle primordia initiation Booting Heading Ripening Heading Milky Dough Yellow ripe Maturity pdf

irri code growth stages

When reporting results for specific characters, use this code to identify the stage of plant growth at which the observation was recorded. Code Stage 1 Germination 2 Seedling 3 Tillering 4 Stem elongation 5 Booting 6 Heading 7 Milk stage 8 Dough stage 9 Mature grain

rice panicle formation

It is the change from a vegetative apical meristem to a reproductive apical meristem. Some observeable panicle characteristics are the panicle type, the secondary branching of the panicle, the panicle axis and the panicle exsertion. Division: a) type are compact, intermediate, open; b) secondary branching are absent, light, heavy, clustering; c) axis are droopy, straight; d) exertion are well exerted, moderately well exerted, just exerted, partly exerted, enclosed.

rice growth stages

01 Germination (0–7 days) The seed absorbs water and begins sprouting. The radicle (root) and plumule (shoot) emerge. 02 Seedling Stage (7–21 days) The first leaves appear, and roots develop. The plant establishes itself in the soil. 03 Tillering Stage (22–45 days) The plant produces multiple stems (tillers). More leaves and roots develop. 04 Stem Elongation (45–60 days) The plant grows taller, preparing for reproductive growth. Nutrients and energy accumulate for panicle formation.

tue 04.03.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25c06 s0413 01 Record fi5282 course 0 - p1300 02 Concept rki-25 0 - p1500 03 Archive galileo res 0 - - 04 Final fi2151 archive 0 25c04 - 05 Scopus milestone mot 1 25c11 e1120 06 Session of fi5282 1 25c12 e1505

mon 03.03.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25c05 s0347 01 Form for fi2151-01-2024-1 rev 1 25c04 p0530


02-mar-2025 28fqt Sent correction to headmaster. 01-mar-2025 e8nqp Miss grade correction deadline. 28-mar-2025 muwxa Collect information. 29-jan-2025 j57qn Upload DNA to SIX.

sun 02.03.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25c03 s1736 01 Rev fi2151-01-2024-1 1 25c04 e1721

shortcode rawhtml

Result Name Email Option One Two Submit Shortcode layouts/shortcodes/rawhtml.html <style> .rawhtml-container { padding: 1rem; border: 1px solid #ddd; background-color: #f9f9f9; border-radius: 8px; overflow-x: auto; } /* Styling for form elements */ .rawhtml-container input, .rawhtml-container select, .rawhtml-container textarea, .rawhtml-container button { margin: 5px 0; padding: 8px; font-size: 1rem; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 4px; } .rawhtml-container button { background-color: #007bff; color: white; cursor: pointer; } .rawhtml-container button:hover { background-color: #0056b3; } .

rgbi carbon-tax app mock-up

Rssult Hitung Model Tapio Decoupling STIRPAT Skenario S0 - Business as Usual (BAU) S1 - Pajak Karbon \n Rendah - Standar S2 - Pajak Karbon + Faktor Rendah S3 - Pajak Karbon + Faktor Tinggi S4 - Pajak Karbon + Investasi Energi Hijau Tinggi S5 - Pajak Karbon + PDB dan Fosil Tinggi, Terbarukan Rendah S6 - Pajak Karbon + Pertumbuhan Energi Berimbang S7 - Pajak Karbon + Dominasi Energi Terbarukan S8 - Pajak Karbon + Pertumbuhan Komersial dan Moderasi Energi Hasil I (emisi karbon) P (Populasi) A (Aktivitas Ekonomi) T (Teknologi) Metrik MAPE RMSE Code <div style="display: flex"> <div id="left"> <div> <button>Hitung</button> </div> <div> <span>Model</span> <br /> <select> <option>Tapio Decoupling</option> <option>STIRPAT</option> </select> </div> <div> <span>Skenario</span> <br /> <select style="width: 250px;"> <option>S0 - Business as Usual (BAU)</option> <option>S1 - Pajak Karbon \n Rendah - Standar</option> <option>S2 - Pajak Karbon + Faktor Rendah</option> <option>S3 - Pajak Karbon + Faktor Tinggi</option> <option>S4 - Pajak Karbon + Investasi Energi Hijau Tinggi</option> <option>S5 - Pajak Karbon + PDB dan Fosil Tinggi, Terbarukan Rendah</option> <option>S6 - Pajak Karbon + Pertumbuhan Energi Berimbang</option> <option>S7 - Pajak Karbon + Dominasi Energi Terbarukan</option> <option>S8 - Pajak Karbon + Pertumbuhan Komersial dan Moderasi Energi</option> </select> </div> </div> <div id="right" style="padding-left: 2em;"> <div> <span>Hasil</> <table> <tr> <td>I (emisi karbon) </td><td> <input style="width: 50px;" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>P (Populasi) </td><td> <input style="width: 50px;" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>A (Aktivitas Ekonomi) </td><td> <input style="width: 50px;" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>T (Teknologi) </td><td> <input style="width: 50px;" /></td> </tr> </table> </div> <br /> <div> <span>Metrik</span> <table> <tr> <td>MAPE</td><td> <input style="width: 50px;" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>RMSE</td><td> <input style="width: 50px;" /></td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div>

sat 01.03.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25c00 s0514 01 Yesterday rgbi mock-up 1 25c01 e0621 02 Shortcode rawhtml 1 25c02 e0548 03 Morgiges Schlafen 1 - s0624 04 Rev fi2151-01-2024-1 0 - s1543

fri 28.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b96 s0533 01 Revision of fi2151-01 0 - p0830 02 Short self-info rgbi 1 - e1510 03 Final project list (phys-ds) 1 - e1100

visit from naist

General info Details Guest lecture: , Activities: Lunch in the faculty 1300+, presentation in 1201 room 1500+, NAIST study opportunity 1632. Institution and person Details Nara Institute of Science and Technology ( NAIST ), 0000-0002-7879-3042 DGkboUESXim Prof Hiroyuki KATSUKI, 0000-0002-3728-3097 DGkggoYyvPU Prof Mikiya FUJII. Notes: Details Katsuki-sensei: polaritons, Fabry-Pérot cavity, mixed state, exciton, photon, vacuum Rabi splitting, vibration strong coupling, dark state, polariton state; Nugroho-sensei: dark state, Hidayat-sensei: femto second phenomenon; Student-n (n = a, b, .

thu 27.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b96 s0649 01 Visit from naist 1 25b97 s1639+

sd cooling coffee

Example: Cooling a hot cup of coffee. Stock: Coffee temperature $T$. Flow: Heat loss to the environment $kT$. Behavior: Temperature decreases towards room temperature $T_{\rm room}$. Equation: $$\tag{SD3} \frac{dT}{dt} = -k(T - T_{\rm room}), $$        where $k$ is the cooling rate. Diagram: graph LR; Coffee -->|Loses Heat| Environment Environment -->|Gains Heat| Coffee

sd exponential growth

Example: Population growth with feedback. Stock: Population $P$ Flow: Birth rate proportional to population, where $r$ is the growth rate, then more people lead to more births, reinforcing growth. Behavior: Exponential growth. Equation: $$\tag{SD2} \frac{dP}{dt} = rP. $$ Diagram: graph LR; Population -->|Influences| BirthRate BirthRate -->|Increases| Population

sd linear growth

Example: Population growth without feedback. Stock: Population $P$ Flow: Birth rate $b$ (constant). Behavior: Population increases at a steady rate. Equation: $$\tag{SD1} \frac{dP}{dt} = b. $$ Diagram: graph TD; Population -->|+ Constant Birth Rate| Population

publishable interdisciplinary research

title = ‘kinematics for successive motion’ subtitle = ‘motion with piecewise constant acceleration’ date = ‘2025-02-25T06:56:06+07:00’ draft = false link = ‘' version = ‘20250225_v5’ type = ’talks’ tags = [’talks’] authors = [‘viridi’] url = ‘25b88’ slides = [‘25b88’, ‘25b89’] +++

wed 26.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b91 s0400 01 Res topics find 1 25b92 e0914 02 Mod sd lin growth 1 25b93 e1754 03 Mod sd exp growth 1 25b94 e2008 03 Mod sd cool coffee 1 25b95 e2052 04 Mod sd s-shape growth 1 - -

illust riim prop

Relations of parameters with productivity of red ginger. graph TD A[Red Ginger Productivity] %% Environmental Factors B1[Soil Moisture] -->|Optimal Range| A B2[Soil pH] -->|6.0 - 6.8| A B3[Temperature] -->|"25-30°C"| A B4[Humidity] -->|70-90%| A B5[Light Intensity] -->|Partial Shade| A %% Water Balance Factors B1.1[Rainfall] --> B1 B1.2[Irrigation] --> B1 B1.3[Evapotranspiration] -->|Reduces| B1 B1.4[Deep Percolation] -->|Leaching Effect| B1 %% Soil Nutrients C[Soil Nutrients] --> A C1[Macronutrients N P K] --> C C2[Micronutrients Zn Fe Mg] --> C C3[Organic Matter] --> C C4[Microbial Activity] --> C %% Feedback Loops A -->|Growth Rate| B1 A -->|Nutrient Uptake| C B1 -->|Influences| C4 C4 -->|Affects| C Draft is on 1NGPx .

kine succ mot alt link

Due to OSF down on 25.02.2025 0706, the link is unavailable. Alternative link is on Google Drive.

kinematics for successive motion

tue 25.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b87 s0651 01 Kine for succ mot fin 1 25b88 e1248 02 Kine succ mot alt link 1 25b89 e0707 03 Session of fi5282-01-2024-2 1 - e1509 04 Illustration for riim prop 1 25b90 e2011

two intervals const a p3

Position $$\tag{D3} x(t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} x_0 + v_0(t - t_0) + \tfrac12 a_0(t - t_0)^2, & t_0 \le t < t_1, \\[0.5em] x_1 + v_1(t - t_1) + \tfrac12 a_1(t - t_1)^2, & t_1 \le t < t_2, \end{array} \right. $$ with $t_{n+1} = t_n + \tau_n$, where $\tau_n$ is $n$-th time interval. Initial conditions $x(t_0) = x_0$, $x(t_1) = x_1$ and $x(t_1) = x_0 + v_0(t_1 - t_0) + \tfrac12 a_0(t_1 - t_0)^2$.

two intervals const a p2

Velocity $$\tag{D2} v(t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} v_0 + a_0(t - t_0), & t_0 \le t < t_1, \\[0.5em] v_1 + a_1(t - t_1), & t_1 \le t < t_2, \end{array} \right. $$ with $t_{n+1} = t_n + \tau_n$, where $\tau_n$ is $n$-th time interval. Initial conditions $v(t_0) = v_0$, $v(t_1) = v_1$ and $v(t_1) = v_0 + a_0(t_1 - t_0)$.

two intervals const a p1

Acceleration $$\tag{D1} a(t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} a_0, & t_0 \le t < t_1, \\[0.5em] a_1, & t_1 \le t < t_2, \end{array} \right. $$ with $t_{n+1} = t_n + \tau_n$, where $\tau_n$ is $n$-th time interval.

a v x const a

Acceleration $$\tag{C1} a(t) = a_n, \ \ \ \ t_n < t < t_{n+1}. $$ Velocity $$\tag{C2} v(t) = v_n + a_n(t - t_n), \ \ \ \ t_n \le t \le t_{n+1}. $$ Posisition $$\tag{C3} x(t) = x_n + v_n(t - t_n) + \tfrac12 a_n(t - t_n)^2, \ \ \ \ t_n \le t \le t_{n+1}. $$

int v to x const a

Velocity $$\tag{B1} v(t) = v_n + a(t - t_n), \ \ \ \ t_n \le t \le t_{n+1}. $$ Initial condition $$\tag{B2} x(t_n) = x_n. $$ Posisition $$\tag{B3} x(t) = x_n + v_n(t - t_n) + \tfrac12 a_n(t - t_n)^2, \ \ \ \ t_n \le t \le t_{n+1}. $$

int a to v const a

Constant acceleration $$\tag{A1} a(t) = a_n, \ \ \ \ t_n < t < t_{n+1}. $$ Initial condition $$\tag{A2} v(t_n) = v_n. $$ Velocity $$\tag{A3} v(t) = v_n + a_n(t - t_n), \ \ \ \ t_n \le t \le t_{n+1}. $$

piecewise equal stops train

The inspiration comes while in the trip using subway. Assume that visited stations are evenly spaced in a straight line. The train accelerates for some amount of time, moves with a constant speed for some amount of time, and starts decelerating until it reaches the next station such that the same amount of time spent accelerating and decelerating are the same, and the magnitudes of both are the same. What would be a possible function that illustrates this scenario?

piecewise const acc

A piecewise-constant acceleration is constant over extended time intervals and changing in value discontinuously from one interval to the next. This is physically unrealistic in any real-life situation, since the acceleration would be expected to change more or less smoothly from instant to instant. In realistic models of collisions the acceleration changes smoothly, but it still can be approximated as continuous for simplification.

taxos categs tags

There are two default taxonomies: categories and tags. Categories are hierarchical and can have parent-child relationships, which are ideal for broad content groupings like subject or types. Tags are non-hierarchical and offering a more granular way to describe content using keywords, e.g. a blog-type post on “Laptops” could have tags “Gaming”, “Productivity”, and “Budget-Friendly”. By implementing a clear hierarchy with categories and adding specific details through tags, a website can be transformed from a cluttered mess into a well-organized haven of information.

post ref format

It will be shown in footer and only accomodates single entry. In front matter with TOML format [ref] title = 'post ref format' author = 'Sparisoma Viridi' source = 'notes, GitHub Pages, 24 Feb 2024' updated = '-' url = '' accessed = '20250224' Further improvement is required, but first with goal redefinition.

mon 24.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b76 s0520 01 Post ref format 1 25b77 e0613 02 Taxos categs tags 1 25b78 e0832 03 Piecewise const acc 1 25b79 e0931 04 Piecewise equal stops train 1 25b80 e1202 05 Int a to v const a 1 25b81 e1243 06 Int v to x const a 1 25b82 e1246 07 Func a v x const a 1 25b83 e1252 08 Two intervals const a p1 1 25b84 s1938 09 Two intervals const a p2 1 25b85 s1943 10 Two intervals const a p3 1 25b86 s1945

sun 23.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b75 s2041 01 Sand archive +7 0 - - 02 Organic kitchen rest ok-nau 1 - 1814+

sat 22.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b74 s0540 01 Arrival on event at Ciumbeleuit 0 - p0700

right footnote cats

layouts\partials\terms.html {{ if eq $page.Params.type "slides" }} {{- with $page.GetTerms $taxonomy }} <ul class="tags-footer-left"> {{- range . }} <li><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle | lower }}</a></li> {{- end }} </ul> {{- end }} {{ else }} {{- with $page.GetTerms $taxonomy }} {{- $label := (index . 0).Parent.LinkTitle }} <div> <div>{{ $label }}:</div> <ul> {{- range . }} <li><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a></li> {{- end }} </ul> </div> {{- end }} {{ end }} static\css\slides.

left footnote tags

layouts\partials\terms.html {{ if eq $page.Params.type "slides" }} {{- with $page.GetTerms $taxonomy }} <ul class="tags-footer-left"> {{- range . }} <li><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle | lower }}</a></li> {{- end }} </ul> {{- end }} {{ else }} {{- with $page.GetTerms $taxonomy }} {{- $label := (index . 0).Parent.LinkTitle }} <div> <div>{{ $label }}:</div> <ul> {{- range . }} <li><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a></li> {{- end }} </ul> </div> {{- end }} {{ end }} static\css\slides.

fri 21.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b70 s0511 01 Left footnote for tags 1 25b71 e0813 02 Letter of concern fgd 1 25b67 e1055 03 Right footnote for cats 1 25b72 e1800 04 Devel post assets/js 1 25b73 e2009

ai bio-fertiz dev

06-mar-2025 jxuze Online discussion-1 ai-dev biofertiz-palm. 20-feb-2025 vuagw Microbe biofertilizer consortium design. Adi Pancoro, “Mengembangkan model AI untuk merancang konsorsium biofertilizer mikrobayang optimal untuk perkebunan kelapa sawit dengan mengintegrasikan pengambilan sampel tanah, fisiologi tanaman, kumpulan data produksi, dan data metagenomik”, private communication, 20 Feb 2025. 27-mar-2024 g7hpv Sawit production prediction with ML and refs. Michiel Schreurs, Supinya Piampongsant, Miguel Roncoroni, Lloyd Cool, Beatriz Herrera-Malaver, Christophe Vanderaa, Florian A. Theßeling, Łukasz Kreft, Alexander Botzki, Philippe Malcorps, Luk Daenen, Tom Wenseleers, Kevin J.

porosity resistivity

20-feb-2025 hske4 Topic determination and refs. P. S. Liu, T. F. Li, C. Fu, “Relationship between electrical resistivity and porosity for porous metals”, Materials Science and Engineering A, vol 268, no 1-2, p 208-215, Aug 1999, url . J. M. Montes, F. G. Cuevas, J. Cintas, “Electrical Resistivity of Metal Powder Aggregates”, Mettalurgical and Materials Transactions B, vol 38, no -, p 957-964, Dec 2007, url . Juan Manuel Montes, Francisco Gómez Cuevas, Jesús Cintas, Fátima Ternero, Eduardo Sánchez Caballero, “Electrical Resistivity of Powdered Porous Compacts”, in Electrical and Electronic Properties of Materials, ch 2, Md.

fgd ui-x-aidi

04 Letter of concern signing. 03 Forum Group Discussion. 02 Administration for source person. 01 Communication with Lab E-Gov UI. 00 Info from AIDI.

thu 20.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b66 s0515 01 Note completion 19/2 0 25b65 - 02 Note completion 18/2 0 25b64 - 03 Archive of fgd-aidi 1 25b67 e1132 04 Porosity-resistivity 1 25b68 e1543 05 Afternoon coffee 1 - e1748 06 Finalization of bkd 1 - e1802 07 Ai bio-fertiz palm 1 25b69 e2929 08 Image proc food pack 1 a466f e0930

wed 19.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b64 s2255

tue 18.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b64 s2254 +1

(int) scientific journal writing

zenodo-osf for nt6094

fi5282-2024-2 assignment 01





physics in daily life, references

physics in daily life, long syllabus p2

physics in daily life, long syllabus p1

physics in daily life, short syllabus


columns shortcode history

version shortcode date posts note 1 twocolumn 28-dec-2024 7 (−) right arg must provided 2 column-left 06-jan-2025 4 (−) two different shortcodes column-right 3 columns 17-feb-2024 6 (+) n-columns support data: first traceable post using it; posts: number of original posts using it; shortcode: original name, deleted after new version available.


new shortcode columns

columns shortcode css

static\css\slides.css /* n-columns layout */ .columns { border: 0px blue solid; flex: 1; padding: 0.2em; } $$ \\[1.5em] $$ .columns-container { display: flex; justify-content: space-evenly; gap: 0.2em; border: 0px blue solid; width: 100%; }

columns shortcode

layouts\shortcodes\columns.html {{ $raw := .Get "raw" }} <div class="columns"> {{ if eq $raw "yes" }} {{ .Inner }} {{ else }} {{ .Inner | markdownify }} {{ end }} </div> layouts\slides\column.html <div class="slide-content"> <div class="columns-container"> {{ .Content }} </div> </div>

column-left, -right

shortcode columns, replace prev

twocolumn (7 errors) "posts\\24\\l\\" "posts\\24\\l\\" "posts\\24\\l\\" "posts\\24\\l\\" "posts\\24\\l\\" "posts\\24\\l\\" "posts\\24\\l\\" column-left, column-right (4 errors) "posts\\25\\b\\" "posts\\25\\a\\" "posts\\25\\a\\" "posts\\25\\a\\" Replace previous shortcodes (left and up).

course schedule

Day Tue Time 1300-1500 Room 1203 Sessions 16 $$ \\[2.5em] $$ Idul Fitri: 31/3 - 1/4 Weeks 16 Date Feb: 18, 25 Mar: 04, 11, 18, 25 Apr: 01, 08, 15, 22, 29 May: 06, 13, 29, 27 Jun: 03

course info

FI5282 Physics in Daily Life (2 credit hours in 16 weeks). Topics Physics and technology, Classical physics concepts in everyday life, Modern physics concepts in everyday life. Outcome Ability to recognize the physical principles used in technology, Ability to explain physics concepts in everyday life phenomena.


physics in daily life


intro syllabus kinematics equations

kinematics equations

kinematics equations summaries

There are three to five kinematics equations reported, where from the first two ($v = v_0 + at$ and $x = x_0 + v_0 t + \tfrac12 at^2$), the third can be obtained, also the fourth and the fifth, by eliminating an unknown. The idea of five equations is that each for one unknown, which are $x - x_0$, $v$ (or $v_t)$, $t$ (or $\Delta t$, $t - t_0$), $v_0$, and $a$.

the 3rd kine eqns, p3

Rearrange of (I5) will produce $$\tag{I6} \begin{array}{rcl} 2a(x - x_0) & = & (v_0 + v)(v - v_0) \\[0.5em] (v + v_0)(v - v_0) & = & 2a(x - x_0) \\[0.5em] v^2 - v_0^2 & = & 2a(x - x_0) \\[0.5em] v^2 & = & v_0^2 + 2a(x - x_0), \end{array} $$ which is the third kinematics equation.

the 3rd kine eqns, p2

From previous equations following can be obtained $$\tag{I4} x = x_0 + v_0 \left( \frac{v - v_0}{a} \right) + \tfrac12 a \left( \frac{v - v_0}{a} \right)^2. $$ It can be simplified into $$\tag{I5} \begin{array}{rcl} 2a(x - x_0) & = & 2v_0 (v - v_0) + (v - v_0)^2 \newline & = & (2v_0 + v - v_0)(v - v_0) \newline & = & (v_0 + v)(v - v_0). \end{array} $$

the 3rd kine eqns, p1

First two equations, with $v = v(t)$ and $x = x(t)$, are $$\tag{I1} v = v_0 + at, $$ $$\tag{I2} x = x_0 + v_0 t + \tfrac12 a t^2. $$ Turn (I1) into following $$\tag{I3} t = \frac{v - v_0}{a}. $$ and then substitute to (I2)

kinematics, t0 is zero

With $a(t) = a$, $v(t_0) = v_0$, $x(t_0) = x_0$, $t_0 \ne 0$, the equations are $$\tag{H1} v(t) = v_0 + a(t - t_0), $$ $$\tag{H2} x(t) = x_0 + v_0 (t - t_0) + \tfrac12 a (t - t_0)^2. $$ Set $t_0 = 0$, that makes $v(0) = v_0$, $x(0) = x_0$, will turn them into $$\tag{H3} v(t) = v_0 + at, $$ $$\tag{H4} x(t) = x_0 + v_0 t + \tfrac12 a t^2.

kinematics, integrate constant a

With initial condition $v(t_0) = v_0$, velocity becomes $$\tag{G1} v(t) = v_0 + a(t - t_0). $$ With initial condition $x(t_0) = x_0$, position becomes $$\tag{G2} x(t) = x_0 + v_0 (t - t_0) + \tfrac12 a (t - t_0)^2. $$ Are they the same as the first two of common kinematic equations?

kinematics, integrate v to x

Integrate velocity $v$ to obtain position $x$ $$\tag{F1} x(t) - x(t_0) = \int_{t_0}^t \left[ v_0 + \int_{t_0}^{\tau_2} a(\tau_1) d\tau_1 \right] d\tau_2. $$ Initial condition $x(t_0) = x_0$, will give $$\tag{F2} x(t) = x_0 + v_0 (t - t_0) + \int_{t_0}^t \int_{t_0}^{\tau_2} a(\tau_1) d\tau_1 d\tau_2. $$

kinematics, integrate a to v

Integrate acceleration $a$ to obtain velocity $v$ $$\tag{E1} v(t) - v(t_0) = \int_{t_0}^t a(\tau_1) d\tau_1. $$ Initial condition $v(t_0) = v_0$, will give $$\tag{E2} v(t) = v_0 + \int_{t_0}^t a(\tau_1) d\tau_1. $$

kinematics equations, assumptions

Integrate acceleration $a$ twice to obtain velocity $v$ and position $x$ $$\tag{D1} v(t) - v(t_0) = \int_{t_0}^t a(\tau) d\tau, $$ $$\tag{D2} x(t) - x(t_0) = \int_{t_0}^t v(\tau) d\tau. $$ Initial conditions are $v(t_0) = v_0$, $x(t_0) = x_0$, and $t_0 = 0$.

mon 17.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b29 s0322 01 Kine eqns assumptions 0 25b24 s0324

kinematics equations, the unknown

more common kinematic equations

five kinematics equations

floating menu notes

empty talk, not a talk

sun 16.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b23 s0832 01 Floating menu 1 25b25 e1743

outline of dummy talk

a dummy talk, not a real talk

capturediv shortcode

capturediv code p3

Code (3/3) <script> function captureDiv() { let btn = document.getElementById("btn"); let grandParent = btn.parentElement?.parentElement; // console.log(grandParent); html2canvas(grandParent, { scale: 3 }).then(canvas => { let link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); = "{{- .Page.File.BaseFileName -}}";; }); } </script>

capturediv code p2

Code (2/3) <div id="btn" onclick="captureDiv()" style="cursor: pointer; border: 0px red solid; background: #4f81bd; color: white; position: absolute; top: calc(0.554 * var(--height)); right: calc(0.03 * var(--height)); font-size: calc(0.032 * var(--height)); margin: calc(0.004 * var(--height)); padding-top: calc(0.0 * var(--height)); padding-bottom: calc(0.005 * var(--height)); padding-left: calc(0.015 * var(--height)); padding-right: calc(0.015 * var(--height)); border-radius: calc(0.00 * var(--height));">png</div>

capturediv code p1

Usage in a post {{< capturediv >}} Save code as capturediv.html in layouts\shortcodes folder. Code (1/3) <script src=""></script>

capturediv demo

sat 15.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b15 s0429 01 Capture div devel 1 25b16 e0957

capture div as png info

14 fri 140225

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b13 s2021 01 Palm oil res monev 1 - - 02 Book pub agreement 1 - - 03 Prop sumbission 1 - - 04 Cand supervised 1 - - 05 capture div as png 1 25b14 e2046 Note: Will completed tomorrow.

thu 13.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b12 s2020 +1 01 Book prop submission 1 - - Note: Will completed a day after tomorrow.

raman po-q with ml

wed 12.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b10 s0531 01 Raman-po md-ag ldf 0 25b11 p1100

tue 11.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b09 s0319 01 Ansys test in Jakarta trip 1 25b08 p0530

stress ansys test prep

courses in 2024-2

Session Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 0700 0900 FI3271 NT6094 1100 SK5004 1300 FI5282 1500 FI3271 SK5004 FI3271 Data Analysis with Machine Learning, FI5282 Physics in Daily Life, SK5004 Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, NT6094 Scientific Journal Writing, NT8098 Technical Writing in International Journal.

mon 10.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b06 s0651 01 Signing of sh-mm-sv d-thesis-arfan 1 - e0808 02 Course list in 2024-2 semester 1 25b07 b0810 03 Route for ansys test in Jakarta 1 25b08 e1946

sun 09.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b05 s0646 d+1 01 Aidi ngabuburit online meeting 1 - e1942 02 Llama eq-7 final discussion 1 - e2039

sat 08.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b04 s0645 d+2 01 Pendopo-papuri-mk visit 1 - e1212

fri 07.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b03 s1029 01 Staf meeting new semester 1 - e1028

thu 06.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b02 s1119 01 Komalasari plan discussion 1 - e110x 02 Celebration of x-dept-head 0 - p1100 03 Raman ag-res-palm dicussion ldf 0 - p1300 04 Carbon stat-prop discussion ma 0 - p1515

wed 05.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b01 s0354 01 Trip from KOE to BDO via CGK 0 - p0500 02 Res prop ai-ag-sv plan 0 - p1400 03 Res prop stat-up-wh-sv plan 0 - p1500 04 Res prop fr-im-id-mm-sv plan 0 - p2000

sat 01.02.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25b00 s0410 01 Eine Llama-Gleichung besuchen 0.5 25a31 s0416

strain in voigt notation

Strain tensor can be transformed into $$\tag{1} \mathbf{\varepsilon} = \left[ \begin{array}{c} \varepsilon_{xx} \newline \varepsilon_{yy} \newline \varepsilon_{zz} \newline 2 \varepsilon_{xy} \newline 2 \varepsilon_{yz} \newline 2\varepsilon_{zx} \end{array} \right], $$ that is an expression of symmetric tensor in lower order tensor.

strain tensor component

For small displacement a strain tensor component $$\tag{1} \begin{array}{rcl} \varepsilon_{ab} & = & \displaystyle \frac{1}{2} \left( \frac{\partial u_a}{\partial x_b} + \frac{\partial u_b}{\partial x_a} + \frac{\partial u_a}{\partial x_b} \frac{\partial u_b}{\partial a} \right), \newline \newline & \approx & \displaystyle \frac{1}{2} \left( \frac{\partial u_a}{\partial b} + \frac{\partial u_b}{\partial a} \right), \end{array} $$ where $u_a$ is displacement in $a$ direction and $x_b$ coordinate in $b$ direction, e.g. $u_1 \equiv u_x$ and $x_3 \equiv z$.

strain tensor

A 3D strain tensor $$\tag{1} \mathbf{\varepsilon} = \left[ \begin{array}{ccc} \varepsilon _{xx} & \varepsilon _{xy} & \varepsilon _{xz} \newline \varepsilon _{yx} & \varepsilon _{yy} & \varepsilon _{yz} \newline \varepsilon _{zx} & \varepsilon _{zy} & \varepsilon _{zz} \newline \end{array} \right], $$ where $\varepsilon _{ab}$ ($a = b$) for normal strain, $\varepsilon _{ab}$ ($a \ne b$) for shear strain.

equivalent strain

It is a scalar representation of strain tensor $$\tag{1} \begin{array}{rcl} \displaystyle \varepsilon_{\rm eqv} & = & \displaystyle \frac{1}{1 + \nu} \left[ \frac{1}{2} (\varepsilon _{xx} - \varepsilon _{yy})^2 + \frac{1}{2} (\varepsilon _{yy} - \varepsilon _{zz})^2 \right. \newline \newline & & \displaystyle \left. +\frac{1}{2} (\varepsilon _{zz} - \varepsilon _{xx})^2 + 3(\varepsilon _{xy}^2 + \varepsilon _{yz}^2 + \varepsilon _{zx}^2) \right] ^{1/2} \end{array} $$ and a straightforward variable reporting strain results over a body.

fri 31.01.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25a68 s0537 01 Ansys mechanical day 5 (test) 0 - p0800 02 Strain tensor component 1 25a71 e1531 03 Strain tensor 1 25a70 e1531 04 Strain in voigt notation 1 25a72 e1531 05 Equivalent strain 1 25a69 e1531 06 Toll road abm stud-sem 1 25a21 e1716

thu 30.01.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25a67 s0540 02 Finalization dna six 1 - e0645 01 Ansys mechanical day 4 1 - p0900

shortcodes script loader and runner

Shortcodes {{< script/loader >}} experimental.js {{< /script/loader >}} {{< script/runner id="div1" >}} display("Hello, World!").on("div1"); {{< /script/runner >}}

evolution of py-nb

No Date Examples 2 29-jan-2025 02_variables.ipynb 1 28-jan-2025 01_print.ipynb No Date Rearrangement 2 29-jan-2025 Move py-nb/temp to py-nb-temp 1 28-jan-2025 Move py-nb/../ml to ds-projects-2024

wed 29.01.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25a64 s0621 01 Evolution of py-nb 1 25a65 e0636 02 Ansys mechanical day 3 1 - e144x 03 Shortcode loader-runner 1 25a66 e2131

tue 28.01.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25a63 s0733 01 Docs for lesslines 1 lessl e0723 02 Ansys mechanical day 2 0 - p0900

mon 27.01.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25a62 s0919 01 Ansys mechanical day 1 0 - b0926

major research methods (social sciences)

stereotyped format

researcher life change

scientists literature ≠ literature

readers read and interpret

textbooks role

shortcode center update

Shortcode <div style="display: flex; justify-content: center;">{{ .Inner | markdownify }}</div> Usage {{< center >}}Some text to center{{< /center >}}

sat 25.01.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25a54 s0357 01 Shortcode center update 1 25a55 e0416 02 Texbook role 1 25a56 e06xx 03 Readers read and interpret 1 25a57 e06xx 04 Scientists literature 1 25a58 e08xx 05 Researcher life change 1 25a59 e0912 06 Stereotype format 1 25a60 e0927 07 Major research methods 1 25a61 e1236

fri 24.01.25

id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25a53 s0415 01 ID-Ghani stu-sem - - p0700 02 FH-Bakhtiar stu-sem - - p0800 03 PW-Setiya pdsk-2 - - p0900 04 SV-Zaini stu-sem - - p1000 05 TD-Ilona stu-sem - - p1330 06 TW-Ikhsan stu-sem - - p1430

thu 23.01.25

Status: 0 (todo), ½ (doin), 1 (done), 2 (cont). id activity status link info 00 Daily note init (stomorrow) 1 25a52 s0413

wed 22.01.25

Status: 0 (todo), ½ (doin), 1 (done), 2 (cont). id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25a51 s0533 01 Ansys fluid training 0 - p0900 02 Vinsensia stu-sem 0 - p1100 03 SPs farewell lunch 0 - p1200 04 Comment on amb zaini 0 - -

tue 21.01.25

Status: 0 (todo), ½ (doin), 1 (done), 2 (cont). id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25a50 s0418 01 Revan stud-disscuss 1 - p0800 02 Ansys fluid training 1 - p0900 03 Inst lab stu-sem 1 - p1300 04 Comment on amb zaini 1 - -

mon 20.01.25

Status: 0 (todo), ½ (doin), 1 (done), 2 (cont). id activity status link info 00 Daily note init (very late) 1 25a49 s2055 01 Raman zoll discussion 1 - - 02 Ansys fluid training 1 - - 03 Coffee fruit vibration 1 - - 04 Game theory green-x stu-sem 1 - - 01 Progress of user-list 1 - e2057

shortcode fsize

Shortcode <div style="font-size: {{ .Get 0 | default '1' }}em; line-height: calc({{ .Get 0 | default '1' }}em * 1.5);">{{ .Inner }}</div> Usage {{< fsize 0.8 >}}B: Bachelor, M: Magister, D: Doktor.{{< /fsize >}}

week 3 student seminars

fri 17.01.25

Status: 0 (todo), ½ (doin), 1 (done), 2 (cont). id activity status link info 12 Yudha discussion 0 - p2000 11 Shortcode fsize 1 25a48 e1736 10 Revanka discussion 0 - e170x 09 UF-fatimah Az_Zahra info 1 - e1552 08 Llama 7 int-meet 1 25a31 e1500 07 NH-Ira discussion 1 - e135x 06 Rayadhi extension form ½ - p1300 05 Zaini discussion 0 - e1720 04 Next week stu-sems schedule ½ 25a47 b1300 03 New semester gen-meet 1 - e110x 02 SH stu-sem 2 1 - e085x 01 SH stu-sem 1 1 - e0830 00 Daily note init 1 25a46 s0745

cnn-dgp x-ray covid-19

fast resp sys cyber attack

thu 16.01.25

Status: 0 (todo), ½ (doin), 1 (done), 2 (cont). id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25a43 s0329 01 Zoll dicussion (online) 0 25a25 s0900 02 UF stu-sem 1 - s0900 03 Fast-sys cyb-atk stu-sem 1 25a44 s1020 04 Stegano encrypt stu-sem 1 24j30 s1300 05 Covid-19 x-ray cnn-dgp stu-sem 0 25a45 s1530

meter read optimation ml

transmission line planning mcda method

stock return predict lq45-idx lstm

android del sys

15-jan-2025 yuwch Thesis seminar. 04-jan-2025 k5z9v Thesis report. 28-oct-2024 umtay Proposal seminar. 23-oct-2024 asbue Bachelor thesis proposal. Intelligence data security application using a deletion system on android devices.

shortcode vspace

Shortcode <div style="height: {{ .Get 0 | default '1' }}em;"></div> Usage {{< vspace 1.5 >}}

wed 15.01.25

Status: 0 (todo), ½ (doin), 1 (done), 2 (cont). id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25a37 s0505 01 Shortcodes doce vspace 1 25a38 e0517 02 Andorid del sys stu-sem 1 25a39 e0928 03 Lq45 idx lstm stu-sem 1 25a40 e1026 04 Transm ln optimm stu-sem 1 25a41 e1157 05 Meter read route stu-sem 1 25a42 e1232 06 Yolov8 ocs car stu-sem 1 24j31 e1425

boolean logic vs fuzzy logic

Boolean logic flowchart LR C --> P1 C --> P2 C{Is it hot?} P1(["Yes/1"]) P2(["No/0"]) Fuzzy logic flowchart LR C --> P1 C --> P3 C --> P5 C{Is it hot?} P1(["Very much/0.9"]) P3(["Moderate/0.5"]) P5(["Verly little/0.1"])

tue 14.01.25

Status: 0 (todo), ½ (doin), 1 (done), 2 (cont). id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25a34 s0403 01 Food estate note-sep 1 25a35 e0519 02 PDSK-2 asp-ba (staf lama) 0 cbyrh s0900 03 SC-2 yun-as (online) 0 - s1020 04 D arf-st (sps) 0 fkahx s1230 05 SC-1 rdn-ypa (online) 0 - s1300

mon 13.01.25

Status: 0 (todo), ½ (doin), 1 (done), 2 (cont). id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25a33 s0500 01 Llama eq 7 cont 1 25a31 e0759 02 Radiomics stu-sem 1 uj3sq e1059 03 Benthics stu-sem 1 25a22 e1112 04 Sand color supervising 1 24j36 s1230 05 Food estate comp-prop 1 25a35 b1356

sun 12.01.25

Status: 0 (todo), ½ (doin), 1 (done), 2 (cont). id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25a32 s0500 01 Llama eq 7 cont 0.5 25a31 s0500

llama eq 7

sat 11.01.25

Status: 0 (todo), ½ (doin), 1 (done), 2 (cont). id activity status link info 00 Daily note init 1 25a30 s0500 01 Llama eq 7 init 0 25a31 s0506

next week seminars list

ednoflow on pypi

fri 10.01.25

etnoflow package init

customs raman

cancer detect deep boltzmann machine

mon 09.01.25

coral reefs benthic detect + segment yolov8

abm car in toll road visiting rest area

meeting on llama #6

wed 08.01.25


llama #6 discussion

microfluidic device simulation

tue 07.01.25

list of slides of rusn

hugo slides progress and others

mon 06.01.25

init rusn

Initialize a raw, unstructured, spontaneous note system.

static site

hugo performance score

hugo sites key features

hugo intro

hugo tips

Some tips while running Hugo with drafts and CSS modification.

sun 05.01.25

sat 04.01.25

fri 03.01.25

thu 02.01.25

wed 01.01.25

tue 31.12.24

mon 30.12.24

sun 29.12.24

Medium stats 2024

two-col deck

Archiving thoughts in easy way

2c res code

2c md-eqn code

2c code result

2c scatter flowchart

2c flowchart md

2c scatter md

2c md eqn

sat 28.12.24

shared drives

Shared drives from colleagues related to edu and res.

new features list

Plan for rust new features.

fri 27.12.24

sk q-comp lect


thu 26.12.24

aidi journal

table Style

wed 25.12.24

tue 241224

rust deck

slide-lib to rust

deck quad

quad root graph

quad graph

quad data

quad py code

microcystin-lr molecule

quadratic equation

quadratic formula

aspirin molecule


twinkle twinkle little star



note purpose

short note

keras info

same llama 🦙

List of activities assigned by same llama to visit various universities around the country.

plan aws cert

Note on plan of AWS certifications related to PPKM-FI-FMIPA-2024 led by Dr. Acep Purqon.

purqon ag res

Note on research projects in AP-AG related to air pollution and smart cities.

munir ag res

Note on research projects in MM-AG related to nano-fiber, I-V meter, and instrumentation.

python pypi

Steps how to create, test, build, and upload Python package to PyPI using a workflow from GitHub Actions.

makassar sand

Note on beaches information where sand samples are collected during the trip to Makassar.

Create and upload Python package

djamal ag res

Note on research projects in MD-AG related to Raman spectroscopy use and others.

upd trip prep

Note on preparing a reasearch trip to Makassar, attending seminar and collecting sand samples in five days.

new note again

Create a new note again in a new static blog with Hugo.

grit ikigai etc

List of books related to Grit, Ikigai, Motivation.

stu-sem 24-1

List of students seminar during 24-1 semester.

list of slides

List of slides to achieve a presentation with 100 slides (or more).

Hands-on intro to Keras

binary plot2 pasir

Introduction to Pasir 0.0.5 in how to generate artificial datasets with two features for binary classification.

Intro to Pasir 0.0.5

Hands-on practice in Python

FI2151 2024-1 survey discussion

fi2151 2024-1

Materials, in the form of slide, given in FI2151 Modeling, Data Generator and Analysis course in 2024-1 semester.

Multidimensional visualization

stat mech complex sys

Application of statistical mechanics on non-conformal agent exploration as a topic for doctoral research.

futher intro perceptron

Feed forward and learning algorithms as further intro to single-layer perceptron.

Further intro to perceptron

rand walk msd prob

Problem in showing mean squared displacement of a random walk in 1- and 2-d.

reasons to write

There are many excuses not to write, and there are also many reasons to write.

sk5010 rbl w-rep 1

SK5010 Visualization in Science Research-Based Learning weekly report 1 in 2024-1 semester.

SK5010 RBL weekly report 1

Random walk displacement

model short intro

Short intro about model with category of physical and symbolic models and sub-category of empirical and mathematical models.

Short intro to model

rbl progress sk5010

Progress of Research-Based Learning on SK5010 Visualization in Science course in 2024-1 semester.

Research-Based Learning SK5010

intro to perceptron

Brief introduction to perceptron with linear separable artificial datasets.

Intro to perceptron

Short intro to Machine Learning

short intro to ml

A very short intro to Machine Learning mostly with illustrations.

rbl refine sk5010

A progress review on Research-Based Lerning project of SK5010 Science Visualization course in 2024-1 semester.

md pa6/cf compos

Computational study of carbon fiber-refinforced polyamide 6 (CF/PA6) composite materials using molecular dynamics method with LAMPPS.

Topics for Science Visualization

Random walk intro

random walk intro

A short intro about random walk with some examples in Python.

intro to pasir

Create pasir as continuation of butiran, which has undetermined pause.

Learning Ansys Structures

Integrated soil sensor

Launch Ansys offline on Windows 11

Start learning Ansys Fluent on Windows

Ansys packages installation on Windows

Visualization in science

ansys training

A trainning on CFD with Ansys Workbench and Fluent GUI with FEA.

Modeling, Data Generator, n Analysis

Scientific journal writing

Random distribution visualization

sand color water content

Sand color due to water content

corrosion halal detection

Initial discussion with a company about some possibillities for research collaboration.

employee mapping ml

Machine learning use in enhancing employee mutation map in an electrical company.

raman ml halal

Topic of a master thesis, that leads to a conference paper, which is about relation between Raman spectrum and halal.

Research reimbursement system

seek info calisthenics

Seek info about calisthenics and motivation to perform in.

yolov ocr plate number

steganoraphy encryption

16-jan-2025 h2kes Bachelor thesis seminar. 27-dec-2024 m8tqp Online 8th-supervision. Details 30-dec-2024 Submission of softcopy draft. 03-jan-2025 Submission of hardcopy draft. 24-dec-2024 3r2mg Online 7th-supervision. 27-oct-2024 z8t4f Presentation. 23-oct-2024 w3dka Proposal. Details Steganography with LSB algorithm and AES-128 encryption for securing information in digital images. The work is performed by Muhammad Husein Masjhur Hotmaroha with title Development of Steganography Web Application using LSB Algorithm and AES-128 Encryption for Securing Intelligence Information in Digital Images under my supervision and and Agus Juhana S.

pani nanorod model

p2mi 2024 composite

A P2MI Research Grant lead by Prof. Widayani about organic composite.

scatter chart.js

Scatter chart support on a Hugo post using Chart.js library.

template customization 3

Third theme customization of a new Hugo site following initial setting.

refs from wa

Some references obtained via WhatsApp communication, mostly in group, while some are personally.

shape mem poly discuss

Unfinished research discussion about shape memory polymer and discussion

fog res n future plan

Unfinished research discussion about fog harvesting and future plan

brain hack info

Some infos about brain hack obtained this morning

spring force

Contact force between to objects connected via a spring, or between object and a fixed point, considered in butiran.

electric force

Force between two charges, also between charge and field, considered in butiran.

gravitational force

Force between two masses, also between mass and field, considered in butiran.

redevelop butiran

Evaluate butiran and redevelop it again with additional force representing surface tension.

template customization 2

Second theme customization of a new Hugo site following initial setting.

post renumbering

Renumber previous post focusing first on this month.

template customization 1

First theme customization of a new Hugo site following initial setting.

first post again

Create a new post for a new Hugo site (again) with minimum customization.

Brief intro to random number

random number intro

Brief intro to random number and with Python

comments on ui

Observe and give comments on UI development

ml stat phys nobel

Discussion triggered book searching

spring pulled const velo

A working note for system of two masses and one spring pulled with constant velocity

s-3m-2s 1-d

A working note for system of three masses and two spring

s-2m-1s 1-d rel

A working note for system of two masses and one spring

system 2-mass 1-spring

System of two mass and one spring

m-th derivative polynomial zero

$m$-th derivative of a polynomial function at $x=0$

maclaurin series polynomial

An example of Maclaurin series

index.html hugo code 3

List of modifications of index.html in a Hugo site

half-life decay const

Half-life and decay constant of radioactive material

half-life diff eqn euler

Relation between half-life and time step

a weekend at home

Record some activities unorderly

day 2 in a sawit event

An activity to kill the time

Intro to Matlotlib scatter plot

Intro to Matlotlib line plot

Python basics and more

Unlimited visualization ideas

Visualization with coxcomb chart

Software and platform installation

Scientific visualization

Acrylic pan granulator (design)

Image in DOCX

Effect perforation elastic p acrylic plt

Data lake dgn Py dan Jupyter Notebk

Memanfaatkan Kekuatan Data Lake

Solid waste incinerator

SiNP for Rice Plant growth: Ideas

LLM: Prompt engineering

ML for data hidden pattern

Finding ML problems to solve

Folder-based Datalake for Student

Prodi Sains Data

Finding case, data, code

Intro to TensorFlow Playground

Data Science and Python venv

Metadata in brief

ML synthetic data with Python

Practicing Python for ML

ANN with spreadsheet

Neural network intro

ML for plant x

Source of data

Monte Carlo Integration

Journal introduction with AI

Discrete Fourier Transform

Research topics for students

Data and data-something

Repository progress report

NumPy array and observation

Numerical integration examples

Learn to manage HPC

ID province data

Numerical integration

Is it about wave?

ML for species identification

Fourier decomposition example:

Fourier series short intro

2023 info

Physics in Pura Mangkunegaran:

Some features on Hugo

Discussion for RGBI 2024 proposal

Fast Fourier Transform in Python

Noise and vibration: A pre-study

Nuclear data with ML

Descriptive statistics: An intro

Economics of surrounding cities

intro to pandas DataFrame

cmd, venv, jupyter notebook

Noise & Vibration Study

Plot with Matplotlib

Plot 1-, 2-, 3-d data

Notebook on Gist

Python list

jurnal: pendahuluan

indeks jurnal dan jurnal pemangsa

layanan akses publikasi dan jenis publikasi

pengelolaan jurnal ilmiah