There is a Elementary Physics II course 1, whose prequel course covers ideal gas concept, such as kinetic theory of gases 2, ideal gas law 3, state-process-cycle terms4, special processes 5, internal energy 6, heat capacity of gas 7, and not-so-related but important, cycle drawing options 8. All the materials are once published in one of the previous blogs named bugx .
- Integrate the concept of state, process, cycle into a class or classes using OOP, a programming paradigm.
- Find general template(s) for them.
- Develop a program that can handle any state, process, cycle problems for ideal gas.
- Use it in creating unique problem for each student in the class, so that students can cooperate in solving the problems, but they can not cheat due to problem uniqueness.
- Previous published materials on bugx have been traced and they can be accessed.
- Some activities in to-do list have been listed.
Sparisoma Viridi, “fi1201-01 2021-2”, bugx, 6 Mar 2022, url [20250309]. ↩︎
Sparisoma Viridi, “kinetic theory of gases”, bugx, 9 Nov 2021, url [20250309]. ↩︎
Sparisoma Viridi, “ideal gas law”, bugx, 9 Nov 2021, url [20250309]. ↩︎
Sparisoma Viridi, “state, process, cyle”, bugx, 11 Nov 2021, url [20250309]. ↩︎
Sparisoma Viridi, “special processes”, bugx, 13 Nov 2021, url [20250309]. ↩︎
Sparisoma Viridi, “internal energy”, bugx, 14 Nov 2021, url [20250309]. ↩︎
Sparisoma Viridi, “heat capacity of gas”, bugx, 14 Nov 2021, url [20250309]. ↩︎
Sparisoma Viridi, “cycle drawing options”, bugx, 9 Dec 2021, url [20250309]. ↩︎