js for fun 1

  • customize container
  • toggle button
  • textarea
  • two numbers addition
  • challenges
  • summaries
  • refs

js for fun 1

· 5 mins read

There was a pair of shortcodes allowing to have fun with JS inside a Hugo post. They are script/loader and script/runner 1. The former is for loading JS from external and the later is for executing JS in the post. Here the last will be used in having fun with JS in a Hugo post.

customize container

a div is the container for DOM elements created by JS placed between pair of script/runner shortcode.

Above result is obtained using following code.

{{< script/runner id="cnt1" >}}
const cnt = document.getElementById("cnt1");
cnt.innerHTML = "Hello, World!";

with(cnt.style) {
  border = "2px solid cyan";
  borderRadius = "20px"
  padding = "4px 12px";
  width = "200px";
  textAlign = "center";
  background = "darkblue";
  color = "white";
{{< /script/runner >}}

Notice that document.getElementById("cnt1") is due to id="cnt1", argument of the shortcode. And the text “Hello, World!” is set using .innerHTML property of div element. There is better approach using .appendChild() method.

If there is more that one use of script/runner shortcode, every container should have unique id. Otherwise it will only modified the first one.

toggle button

Previously, how to customize a structural element is shown. In this part example of a form element, a button, is given. What elements fall in which categories, structural or form elements, can be found in some resources but not with the exact same categories 2.

Following is code to get above result.

{{< script/runner id="cnt2" >}}
const cnt = document.getElementById("cnt2");

const btn = document.createElement("button");
btn.innerHTML = "Off";

btn.addEventListener("click", function() {
    if(btn.innerHTML == "Off") {
      btn.innerHTML = "On";
    } else {
      btn.innerHTML = "Off";

{{< /script/runner >}}

Using click event the button will toggle its state between On and Off. It is not a good example for toggle button. But just for now it is working.


Here there is another example with form element, textarea, which is a multi-line input that is useful for capturing more extensive information compared to input, which is only for single-line input 3.

To get above result at least following lines are required.

{{< script/runner id="cnt3" >}}
const cnt = document.getElementById("cnt3");
const ta = document.createElement("textarea");

with(ta.style) {
  overflowY = "scroll";
  height = "100px";
  width = "220px";

ta.value = "\
10 REM Simple Program\n\
15 BEGIN\n\
20 PRINT 'Hello, World!'\n\
30 END\

{{< /script/runner >}}

The way to create a HTML element is still the same as in previous examples, which is using document.createElement("tagname"), where textarea is the tagname in this case.

two numbers addition

Let us now use three input elements, two span elements, and one button element for performing addition of two numbers.

The lines to obtain previous result are as follow.

{{< script/runner id="cnt4" >}}
// get and create elements
const cnt = document.getElementById("cnt4");
const elx = document.createElement("input");
const ely = document.createElement("input");
const elz = document.createElement("input");
const sp1 = document.createElement("span");
const sp2 = document.createElement("span");
const btn = document.createElement("button");

// style and modify elements
elx.style.width = "50px";
elx.placeholder = "number";

ely.style.width = "50px";
ely.placeholder = "number";

elz.style.width = "50px";

with(sp1) {
  innerHTML = "+";
  style.width = "30px";
  style.display = "inline-block";
  style.textAlign = "center";

with(sp2) {
  innerHTML = "=";
  style.width = "30px";
  style.display = "inline-block";
  style.textAlign = "center";

btn.innerHTML = "Add";
btn.style.marginLeft = "10px";

// add event listener
btn.addEventListener("click", btnClick);

// handle button click event
function btnClick(e) {
  let x = parseFloat(elx.value);
  let y = parseFloat(ely.value);
  let z = x + y;
  elz.value = z;

// append elements to container

{{< /script/runner >}}

It is already a little bit complex, isn’t it? It is actually only an advancement of previous examples, where in this one, button click event retrieve value x from elx elements and y from ely elements, add the two numbers, store the result in z, then update value of elz element. The arithmetic operation, addition, is provided in following function.

// handle button click event
function btnClick(e) {
  let x = parseFloat(elx.value);
  let y = parseFloat(ely.value);
  let z = x + y;
  elz.value = z;

Above function can be modified easily to perform other arithmetic operation, e.g. sub (subtraction), mul (multiplication), and div (division).


  • Create three small project to perfrom subtraction, multiplication, and division of two numbers.
  • Create new layout of HTML form elements so that by giving two numbers, the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division can be performed by clicking related button.
  • If not using script/runner shortcode in a Hugo post the JS code can still be used in a HTML file. Find the way how to used it and repeat the given examples. Modification of the first line might be necessary for the container.


  • A HTML element is created using document.createElement() function with argument of tagname, e.g. button, textarea, input, span, etc.
  • A HTML element can be referred using document.getElementById() function with argument of id, which is should be previously defined, where in previous examples cnt1, cnt2, cnt3, and cnt4 are id of four different elements.
  • Using .style all attibutes, that CSS can style, can be modified using JS, where the style attributes modified so far are border, borderRadius, padding, width, textAlign, background, color, overflowY, height, and display.


  1. Sparisoma Viridi, “shortcodes script loader and runner”, notes, 19 Jan 2025, url http://dudung.github.io/notes/25a66/ [20250309]. ↩︎

  2. GPT-4o, “Structural and Form Elements”, Chat GPT, 9 Mar 2025, url https://chatgpt.com/share/67cd065f-de60-800a-9aaa-d0d1b4f7966f [20250309]. ↩︎

  3. Kumar Harsh, “Improve Your Forms with HTML Textarea: An In-Depth Tutorial”, Formspree, 11 Oct 2024, url https://formspree.io/blog/html-textarea/ [20250309]. ↩︎

Sparisoma Viridi, "js for fun 1", notes, 9 Mar 2025, (not yet), url https://dudung.github.io/notes/25c22/ [20250309].