rice panicle formation
- It is the change from a vegetative apical meristem to a reproductive apical meristem.
- Some observeable panicle characteristics are the panicle type, the secondary branching of the panicle, the panicle axis and the panicle exsertion.
- Division: a) type are compact, intermediate, open; b) secondary branching are absent, light, heavy, clustering; c) axis are droopy, straight; d) exertion are well exerted, moderately well exerted, just exerted, partly exerted, enclosed.
Thomas L. Rost, "Panicle Formation", Rice Anatomy, Section of Plant Biology, Division of Biological Sciences, University of California, Davis, 1997, (-), url https://labs.plb.ucdavis.edu/rost/rice/Stems/panicle.html [20250304].