visit from naist

  • General info
  • Institution and person
  • Notes:
    • Katsuki-sensei: polaritons, Fabry-Pérot cavity, mixed state, exciton, photon, vacuum Rabi splitting, vibration strong coupling, dark state, polariton state;
      • Nugroho-sensei: dark state, Hidayat-sensei: femto second phenomenon;
      • Student-n (n = a, b, ..);
    • Fujii-sensei: GAN, discriminator, predictor, generator, Wasserstein losses, bag-of-atoms, closed loop (AI-driven design – automated analysis – automated synthesis – AI-d..), DFT (22 parameter), process (5 parameters), overlap area (target 1 & 2);
      • Student-1: more data more accurate? sufficient number of data? Answer: new material data mostly out of current material, expanding region of the data in every loop to approach the target region;
      • Hidayat-sensei: required time for calculation? Answer: GRRM, GARRN, 2500 monomers pairs B3LYP-D3/def2-SVP level of theory.
      • Student-2: how to make descriptors? Answer: GAN using simple descriptors (abelait atomic radius, boiling point, ..)
      • Student-3: use current copolymer approach for polaritons? Answer: Of course yes, other groups conduct for other materials.