illust riim prop
- Relations of parameters with productivity of red ginger.
graph TD
A[Red Ginger Productivity]
%% Environmental Factors
B1[Soil Moisture] -->|Optimal Range| A
B2[Soil pH] -->|6.0 - 6.8| A
B3[Temperature] -->|"25-30°C"| A
B4[Humidity] -->|70-90%| A
B5[Light Intensity] -->|Partial Shade| A
%% Water Balance Factors
B1.1[Rainfall] --> B1
B1.2[Irrigation] --> B1
B1.3[Evapotranspiration] -->|Reduces| B1
B1.4[Deep Percolation] -->|Leaching Effect| B1
%% Soil Nutrients
C[Soil Nutrients] --> A
C1[Macronutrients N P K] --> C
C2[Micronutrients Zn Fe Mg] --> C
C3[Organic Matter] --> C
C4[Microbial Activity] --> C
%% Feedback Loops
A -->|Growth Rate| B1
A -->|Nutrient Uptake| C
B1 -->|Influences| C4
C4 -->|Affects| C
- Draft is on 1NGPx .