porosity resistivity

  • 20-feb-2025 hske4 Topic determination and refs.
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    • J. M. Montes, F. G. Cuevas, J. Cintas, “Electrical Resistivity of Metal Powder Aggregates”, Mettalurgical and Materials Transactions B, vol 38, no -, p 957-964, Dec 2007, url https://doi.org/10.1007/s11663-007-9097-3 .
    • Juan Manuel Montes, Francisco Gómez Cuevas, Jesús Cintas, Fátima Ternero, Eduardo Sánchez Caballero, “Electrical Resistivity of Powdered Porous Compacts”, in Electrical and Electronic Properties of Materials, ch 2, Md. Kawsar Alam (ed), IntechOpen, Rijeka, 2018, url https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.76159 .
  • 14-feb-2025 f9c3y Self introduction and first meeting.
    A. D. Pebriwan, url https://osf.io/wv78b/ .