kinematics equations, the unknown

  • Notice the unknown in every equation.
    (C1)$v = v_0 + a t$$x - x_0$
    (C2)$x - x_0 = v_0 t + \tfrac12 a t^2$$v_t$
    (C3)$v^2 = v_0^2 + 2a(x - x_0)$$t$
    (C4)$x - x_0 = v t - \tfrac12 a t^2$$v_0$
    (C5)$x - x_0 = \tfrac12 (v_0 + v) t$$a$
  • The term $x - x_0$ is also written as $\Delta x$ or $s$, and there are other variations, e.g. $x = x_t = x(t)$, $v = v_t = v(t)$, etc.