sand color water content

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    Image-based detection of moisture or water conten on sand, which later can be used for grains cohesion estimation.

    It is a bachelor thesis project conducted by Revanka Mulya under my supervision and Dr. Nurhasan.

    In a preliminary study 1 it is observed that sand color depends on its water content, which is already obvious 2. Water content, in average, will determine state of interaction between gains through water bridge 3, that later also determines cohesion between grains 4. This phenomenon is also observed in ternary system 5. There is also previous observation and model to describe it qualitatively 6.

    Next step in this research is to build color palette for the sand, whose colors insired by available color palette 7. The plan is also documented 8.

    1. Revanka Mulya, “Prediksi Konsentrasi Air pada Material Granular dengan Pengamatan Citra”, Tugas Akhir 1, Prodi Fisika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2024, url [20241022]. ↩︎

    2. György Pillinger, Ahmed Elawad Eltayeb Ahmed, Kornél Bessenyei, Péter Kiss, “Correlations between moisture content and color spectrum of sandy soils”, Journal of Terramechanics, vol 108, p 39-45, Aug 2023, url ↩︎

    3. Namiko Mitarai, Franco Nori, “Wet granular materials”, Advances in Physics, vol 55, no 1-2, p 1-45, 2006, url /00018730600626065. ↩︎

    4. Ji-Peng Wang, Xia Li, Hai-Sui Yu, “A micro–macro investigation of the capillary strengthening effect in wet granular materials”, Acta Geotech-nica, vol 13, p 513-533, Jun 2018, url ↩︎

    5. Trystan Domenech, Sachin S. Velankar, “On the rheology of pendular gels and morphological developments in paste-like ternary systems based on capillary attraction”, Soft Mater, vol 11, no 8, p 1500-1516, Feb 2015, url ↩︎

    6. Sparisoma Viridi, Zahrotul Firdaus Tri Wahyu Lestari, Triati Dewi Kencana Wungu, Suprijadi, “Simple grid-based model of sandpile avalanche due to heating process”, Presentation for International Workshop on Computational Science, 30 June 2018, Kanazawa University, Japan, url [20241022]. ↩︎

    7. Aetherial, “Sand digital color palette procreat”, Etsy, url [20241022]. ↩︎

    8. Sparisoma Viridi, Nurhasan, Revanka Mulya, “Sand color due to water content: Visual-based observation of a physical property”, OSF, 22 Oct 2024, url [20241023]. ↩︎