
corrosion halal detection

Sparisoma Viridi
2 mins read ·

Initial discussion with a company about some possibillities for research collaboration.

It narrows to two topics, which are Raman spectroscopy-based corrosion and halal detections. Es ist die Mitra Djamal AG. There might be related references, e.g. a review about monitoring for oil and gas under deposit corrotions 1, a review about corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete study using Raman spectroscopy 2, and the use of Raman spectroscopy to obtain corrosion rate and corrosion product characterisation 3. There is also question how to use Raman spectroscopy in measuring molecular height, which is possible 4.

Next step is to exchange information from university to industry about preparation of a proposal with next week deadline, end of Oct 2022. krd5g

  1. M. H. Sliem, E. M. Fayyad, A. M. Abdullah, N. A. Younan, N. Al-Qahtani, Fatma F. Nabhan, A. Ramesh, N. Laycock, M. P. Ryan, M. Maqbool, Dhruv Arora, “Monitoring of under deposit corrosion for the oil and gas industry: A review”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol 204, p 108752, Sep 2021, url . yvjca  ↩︎

  2. Tangwei Mi, Jing Jing Wang, Colum McCague, Yun Bai, “Application of Raman Spectroscopy in the study of the corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete: A critical review”, Cement and Concrete Composites, vol 143, p 105231, Oct 2023, url . 3fntj  ↩︎

  3. M. Criado, S. Martínez-Ramirez, S. Fajardo, P. P. Gómez, J. M. Bastidas, “Corrosion rate and corrosion product characterisation using Raman spectroscopy for steel embedded in chloride polluted fly ash mortar”, Materials and Corrosion, vol 64, no 5, pp 372-380, May 2013, url . knfev  ↩︎

  4. P. Debye, “Molecular-weight determination by light scattering”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, vol 51, no 1, pp 18-32, Jan 1947, url ↩︎
