
raman ml halal

Sparisoma Viridi
1 min read ·

Topic of a master thesis, that leads to a conference paper, which is about relation between Raman spectrum and halal.

Raman spectrums of various pure animals fat, with help of machine learning, is used to identify components of a mixture of animals fat, where it starts as a master thesis 1 and then it is advanced to a conference paper 2, which can be accessed openly in some institutions 3.

  1. Aria Wahyu Wicaksono, “Analisis Spektrum Raman Lemak Hewan dengan Metode Machine Learning dalam Menentukan Konsentrasi, Jenis, dan Campuran Kehalalan Komponen Campurannya”, Master Thesis, Jun 2024, url [20241018]. ↩︎

  2. Aria Wahyu Wicaksono, Annida Amani, Tossaporn Lertvanithphol, Nina Siti Aminah, Anita Alni, Sparisoma Viridi, Herman Bahar, Mati Horprathum, Mitra Djamal, “Determination of Pure Animal Fat Concentrations and Halal Category from Mixed Animal Fats Raman Spectra”, 2024 5th Technology Innovation Management and Engineering Science International Conference (TIMES-iCON), Bangkok, Thailand, 2024, pp. 1-5, url . x2fzw  ↩︎

  3. -, “IEEE Open Access Agreements with Institutions”, IEEE Open, 2024, url [20241018]. ↩︎
