
spring force

Sparisoma Viridi
2 mins read ·

Contact force between to objects connected via a spring, or between object and a fixed point, considered in butiran.

In the field of technology, spring can be considered as elastic machine component that is able to deflect under load in a prescribed manner and to recover its initial shape when unloaded, which includes several spring types such as helical spring, leaf spring, torsion-bar spring, air spring, and hydraulic spring 1. Restoring force that tends to restore spring to its original shape is known as spring force, which is a contact force that can also be found in elastic materials 2. The force obeys Hooke’s law force, where the force is proportional to negative displacement with proportional coefficient called spring constant 3.

An object at position $\vec{r}_i$ attached to a point $\vec{r}_o$ by a spring with natural length $l$ and spring constant $k$ will experience spring force in the form of

$$\tag{1} \vec{F} _{S,i} = -k (r _{io} - l) \hat{r} _{io}, $$

where the unit vector is

$$\tag{2} \hat{r} _{io} = \frac{\vec{r} _{io}}{r _{io}}, $$

relative position

$$\tag{3} \vec{r} _{io} = \vec{r}_i - \vec{r}_o, $$


$$\tag{4} r_{io} = |\vec{r} _{io}| = \sqrt{\vec{r} _{io} \cdot \vec{r} _{io}} $$

is distance to the fixed point.

Eqn (1) can be advanced to two objects connected by a spring, where

$$\tag{5} \vec{F} _{S,ij} = -k (r _{ij} - l) \hat{r} _{ij} $$

is the spring force on object $i$ due to object $j$.

Challenge 1. Show how Eqn (5) can be obtained from Eqn (1) and what is the difference between Eqns (1) and (5).

  1. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, “spring”, Encyclopedia Britannica, 13 Aug 2024, url [20241013]. ↩︎

  2. Satyam Bhuyan, “Spring Force”, Science Facts, 11 Dec 2020, url [20241013]. ↩︎

  3. Bobby Bailey, Andrew Park, James Rittenbach “Spring Force- Hooke’s Law”, OpenStax, LibreText, 12 Mar 2024, url [20241013]. ↩︎
