Fathur Rahman presents his work with title Pengembangan Elektroda Fleksibel Menggunakan Bioplastik Berbasis Rumput Laut Dengan Penambahan Material Hibrida Konduktif Grafit Dan Nanopartikel Perak Untuk Pengukuran Biopotensial Pada Tubuh Manusia under supervision of Prof. Dr. Suprijanto, S.T, M.T. and Dr. Damar Rastri Adhika, S.T., M.Sc., with other examiner is Fadjar Fathurrahman ST., M.Si., Ph.D..

  • What is the criteria of good flexible electrode, which matches to body contour surface, that imporoves contact quality to enhance SNR?
  • Explain the meaning of motion artefact? Can it open a new field of research?
  • Why do you use two different types of conductive materials, which are graphite and AgNP, and why not just one, e.g. CNT?
  • What is the optimum criteria to be achieved from point of view of Young modulus $E$, shear modulus $G$, electrical conductivity $\sigma$, and material pasticity index PI? Is there any function to be optimized?
  • Presented results of synthesis and characterization have not yet been included in the given draft.
  • Sample labeling more readable notation can be used, e.g. A –> C15GNP means Caragen + 15% Graphite + AgNP.
  • References have not been too consistent written
    • family name, given name: 1, 5-6, 15-18, 21-23, 35-38, 47
    • given name family name: 2, 7-8, 10-12, 14, 19-20, 24-34, 39, 40-46
    • without name: 3-4, 13
  • Is DOI necessary?
    • provided: 2, 7-10, 19, 34
  • Jurnal name is written
    • abbreviated: 17, 22, 24-33, 40-46
    • in full: 3, 7-11, 36-39, 47
    • incomplete: 35

suprijanto Link to heading

  • Size of electode is important, e.g. for measuring hand activity that requires up to 8 electrodes, it can not be supported by recent electodes available in market.
  • Developed electrode does not need additional gel to provide better contact but only water and this feature should be annouced since it is more practical and convenient.

fathurrahman Link to heading

  • Analysis of measurement of SNR can be deeper and more elaborated, also why it is compare to available electode.