To-Do list this month

  • 26-mon

    • 1000 BSC-A Winda Wijayasari.
    • 1300 AP Muhammad Abraar Abhirama.
  • 21-wed

    • 1600 SK Applicant Interview. ✔️
    • 1330 Dong-A University Zoom meeting, A. B. Susanto. ✔️
    • 1200 Kalupulaga SK Tim Akreditasi. ✔️
    • 1130 Rotating cylinder filled with water and particles, MK. ✔️
    • 0830 FI Staf Baru S3 Qualification Examination. ✔️
  • 20-tue

    • 1800 RAB P2MI ke Galih Restu Fardian Suwandi, 0005. ✔️
    • 1400 BSC-A Kopi Sore FMIPA. ✔️
    • 1300 CRCS Lt 3, PRIMA ITB 2022. ✔️
    • 0930 BMG Booster (dosis-3) Pfizer. ✔️
  • 19-mon

    • 1200 SPS Info Sekretariat Kerjasama PLN. ❌
    • 1000 FI S2 SK Winda Wijayasari diskusi, 0004. ✔️
    • 0800 PPNN S2 NT Fathur Rahman, 0003. ✔️
  • 18-sun

    • 1100 BBGP Diponegoro, Agus Prayitno, jurnal & AIDI, 0002. ✔️
    • 0700 Gelas tanah geragih stroberi, siram bayam. ✔️