a quadratic function Link to heading

  • There is a function $p(x) = x^2 - 12x + 27$.
  • Its derivative, or $p'(x)$, is $q(x) = 2x - 12$.
  • Plot of $p(x)$ and $q(x)$ are as follow.
  • Its root are $x = 3$ and $x = 9$.
  • Its extreme is located at $x = 6$, which is maximum.

plot code Link to heading

  • To create previous plot of $p(x)$ and $q(x)$ following lines of code are used.
    % function_extreme_points_min
    % clear previous states
    % define range of x
    xbeg = 0;
    xend = 10;
    % define a polynomial via its coefficients
    a = [1 -12 27];
    % create data for ploting (x, px)
    x = [];
    px = [];
    for i = xbeg:xend
        x = [x i];
        px = [px polyval(a, i)];
    % calculate derivative
    b = polyder(a);
    % create data for ploting (x, qx)
    x = [];
    qx = [];
    for i = xbeg:xend
        x = [x i];
       qx = [qx polyval(b, i)];
    % plot functions px and qx
    plot(x, px, 'rs-', x, qx, 'bo-');
    xlim([xbeg xend]);
    legend('p(x)', 'q(x)', ...
        'location', 'northeast');
    grid on;

finding root Link to heading

  • Result is as follow.
    >> function_extreme_points_min
    p(x) = x^2 - 12*x + 27
    root-1 = 3.00
    root-2 = 9.00
  • Additional lines of code to the previous one.
    % create symbolic function for p(x)
    ps = poly2sym(a);
    % create numerical function from string
    fpx = inline(ps);
    % find roots
    root1 = fzero(fpx, 0);
    root2 = fzero(fpx, 10);
    % show results
    fprintf("p(x) = %s\n", ps);
    fprintf("root-1 = %.2f\n", root1);
    fprintf("root-2 = %.2f\n", root2);
  • It is used previous defined a for $p(x)$.

finding extreme points Link to heading

  • Result is as follow.
    Extreme is at x = 6.00
    Second derivative value on extreme = 2.00.
    It is > 0, so it is a minimum point.
  • It uses derivative, which is represented in b as obtained using b = polyder(a);.
  • The function fzero is used again for for $q(x)$ instead for $p(x)$.
  • The additional code is as follow.
    % create symbolic function for q(x)
    qs = poly2sym(b);
    % create numerical function from string
    fqx = inline(qs);
    % find root
    extreme = fzero(fqx, 0);
    % get next derivative
    c = polyder(b);
    % create symbolic functio for r(x)
    rs = poly2sym(c);
    % check value of extreme derivative
    ved = polyval(c, extreme);
    fprintf('Extreme is at x = %.2f\n', extreme);
    % show analysis
    fprintf(['Second derivative value on extreme' ...
        ' = %.2f.\n'], ved);
    if ved > 0
        fprintf('It is > 0, so it is a minimum point.')
    elseif ved < 0
        fprintf('It is < 0, so it is a maximum point.')
        fprintf('It is = 0, so it is an inflection point.')

other case Link to heading

  • Function $p(x) = -x^2 + 12x - 32$.
  • Results are as follow.
    >> function_extreme_points_max
    p(x) = 12*x - x^2 - 32
    root-1 = 4.00
    root-2 = 8.00
    Extreme is at x = 6.00
    Second derivative value on extreme = -2.00.
    It is < 0, so it is a maximum point.
  • Plot of $p(x)$ and $q(x)$ is given below.
  • Full lines of code are as follow.
% function_extreme_points_min

% clear previous states

% define range of x
xbeg = 0;
xend = 10;

% define a polynomial via its coefficients
a = [-1 12 -32];

% create data for ploting (x, px)
x = [];
px = [];
for i = xbeg:xend
    x = [x i];
    px = [px polyval(a, i)];

% calculate derivative
b = polyder(a);

% create data for ploting (x, qx)
x = [];
qx = [];
for i = xbeg:xend
    x = [x i];
   qx = [qx polyval(b, i)];

% plot functions px and qx
plot(x, px, 'rs-', x, qx, 'bo-');
xlim([xbeg xend]);
legend('p(x)', 'q(x)', ...
    'location', 'northeast');
grid on;

% create symbolic function p(x)
ps = poly2sym(a);

% create function from string
fpx = inline(ps);

% find roots
root1 = fzero(fpx, 0);
root2 = fzero(fpx, 10);

% show results
fprintf("p(x) = %s\n", ps);
fprintf("root-1 = %.2f\n", root1);
fprintf("root-2 = %.2f\n", root2);

% create symbolic function for q(x)
qs = poly2sym(b);

% create numerical function from string
fqx = inline(qs);

% find root
extreme = fzero(fqx, 0);

% get next derivative
c = polyder(b);

% create symbolic functio for r(x)
rs = poly2sym(c);

% check value of extreme derivative
ved = polyval(c, extreme);
fprintf('Extreme is at x = %.2f\n', extreme);

% show analysis
fprintf(['Second derivative value on extreme' ...
    ' = %.2f.\n'], ved);
if ved > 0
    fprintf('It is > 0, so it is a minimum point.')
elseif ved < 0
    fprintf('It is < 0, so it is a maximum point.')
    fprintf('It is = 0, so it is an inflection point.')