introduction Link to heading
- SVG element in a HTML page can be created dynamically using JavaScript and customized its sub-elements, which is a little bit different than in createing HTML element since SVG is described in XML (Quante, 2021).
- Using only pure JavaScript or known as Vanilla JavaScript, without help from any JS libraries or frameworks, SVG elements can be created and manipulated easily but with slightly different way than in handling HTML elemements, e.g. it is used
instead of justcreateElement
(Katz, 2021). - Pablo, as a lightweight, open source library, can be used for this purpose, since it is simplifying the construction and manipulation of SVGs in JavaScript, that enables developers to more easily work with dynamically generated vector graphics while avoiding the verbose workflow of vanilla JavaScript (Omotayo, 2022).
animation Link to heading
- An animated watch can be built with SVG tags by typing them manually inline in a HTML file and then animated using JavaScript (Borbély, 2021).
- Animation of SVG elements triggered by user interaction can also be built from primitive shapes and then animated using JS with the help of JS library, e.g. Pablo, where the event detection and handler are easy to implement (Omotayo, 2022).
- Similar dynamic SVG elements can also provided using JS library designed in supporting animation, e.g. GSAP (Roblewsky, 2020).
- Actually without JS, using only CSS, SVG elements can be animated, but for more complicated animation some tools might be required, e.g. SVGator, Snap.svg, SVG.js, VivusJS, mo.js, GSAP, Animate.CSS, and Framer Motion (Amstrong, 2022).
js function Link to heading
- To simplify creating process of SVG elements some functions can be built, e.g. for creating a SGV container and a line (Matt, 2014).
- Modified code from reference is given as follow
function shape(type, attrs) { var elem = document.createElementNS( '', type ); for(attr in attrs) { elem.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]); } return elem; }
line Link to heading
- Container
<svg id="svg-line" width="200" height="200" style="background:#f4f4f4;"> </svg>
- Result
- Code
var cnt = document.getElementById('svg-line'); attrs = { 'x1': '20', 'y1': '150', 'x2': '100', 'y2': '40', 'stroke': '#4a4', 'stroke-width': '1px', } var l1 = shape('line', attrs); cnt.appendChild(l1);
rect Link to heading
- Container
<svg id="svg-rect" width="200" height="200" style="background:#f4f4f4;"> </svg>
- Result
- Code
var cnt = document.getElementById('svg-rect'); attrs = { 'x': '20', 'y': '20', 'rx': '10', 'ry': '10', 'width': '50', 'height': '100', 'stroke': '#4a4', 'stroke-width': '1px', 'fill': '#4f9' } var r1 = shape('rect', attrs); cnt.appendChild(r1);
circle Link to heading
- Container
<svg id="svg-circle" width="200" height="200" style="background:#f4f4f4;"> </svg>
- Result
- Code
var cnt = document.getElementById('svg-circle'); attrs = { 'cx': '150', 'cy': '100', 'r': '80', 'stroke': '#f00', 'stroke-width': '2px', 'fill': 'lightblue' } var c1 = shape('circle', attrs); cnt.appendChild(c1);
ellipse Link to heading
- Container
<svg id="svg-ellipse" width="200" height="200" style="background:#f4f4f4;"> </svg>
- Result
- Code
var cnt = document.getElementById('svg-ellipse'); attrs = { 'cx': '100', 'cy': '100', 'rx': '40', 'ry': '80', 'stroke': 'magenta', 'stroke-width': '2px', 'fill': 'lightcyan' } var e1 = shape('ellipse', attrs); cnt.appendChild(e1);
polygon Link to heading
- Container
<svg id="svg-polygon" width="200" height="200" style="background:#f4f4f4;"> </svg>
- Result
- Code
var cnt = document.getElementById('svg-polygon'); attrs = { 'points': ' 20 40 60 20 80 20 \ 100 60 150 70 160 150 \ 100 180 50 180 20 150 \ 50 120 50 80 ', 'stroke': 'darkgreen', 'stroke-width': '2px', 'fill': 'lightgreen' } var pg1 = shape('polygon', attrs); cnt.appendChild(pg1);
polygon Link to heading
- Container
<svg id="svg-polyline" width="200" height="200" style="background:#f4f4f4;"> </svg>
- Result
- Code
var cnt = document.getElementById('svg-polyline'); attrs = { 'points': ' 20 40 60 20 80 20 \ 100 60 150 70 160 150 \ 100 180 50 180 20 150 \ 50 120 50 80 ', 'stroke': 'darkgreen', 'stroke-width': '2px', 'fill': 'transparent' } var pl1 = shape('polyline', attrs); cnt.appendChild(pl1);
path Link to heading
- Container
<svg id="svg-path" width="200" height="200" style="background:#f4f4f4;"> </svg>
- Result
- Code
var cnt = document.getElementById('svg-path'); attrs = { 'd': 'M100,100 l20,0, v20 h10 v50 h-100 L10,10, H100', 'stroke': 'darkgreen', 'stroke-width': '2px', 'fill': 'transparent' } var pt1 = shape('path', attrs); cnt.appendChild(pt1);
notes Link to heading
- Basic shapes article provides more information about shapes used in SVG (MDN, 2023).
- The article Animationg SVG with CSS gives information about how to modified SVG image, which created by an application, clean it, and add CSS animation to it (Coyier, 2017).