abm Link to heading

  • Agent based modeling (ABM) is a bottom-up simulation technique where we analyze a system by its individual agents that interact with each other (Karami, 2021).
  • The benefits of ABM over other modeling techniques can be captured in three statements: (i) ABM captures emergent phenomena; (ii) ABM provides a natural description of a system; and (iii) ABM is flexible (Bonabeau, 2002)

sd Link to heading

  • System Dynamics uses a graphical description to structure complex systems of differential equations and algebraic equations (Gustafsson, 2017).
  • The System Dynamics is a modeling tool that allows to represent and to understand the dynamic behavior of complex systems, presenting the linear and nonlinear relations between the variables (Ebert et al., 2017).

examples Link to heading

notes Link to heading

  • agent-based model and boid (html)