template customization 3
3 mins read ·
Third theme customization of a new Hugo site following initial setting.
It is an advancement of previous customizations, e.g. template customization 2 and template customization 1.
- Modify
by adding following lines at the end in the<header> .. </header>
block.{{ if .HasShortcode "blank/scatter" }} {{ partial "script/inner.html" . }} {{ partial "script/chartjs.html" . }} {{ end }}
- Create
with following content.<script> function datasets4Scatter(series) { var datasets = []; var N = series.length; for(let i = 0; i < N; i++) { var ds = { data: B_SERIES[i], label: B_SLABEL[i], backgroundColor: B_PCOLOR[i], showLine: B_LVISIB[i], borderColor: B_LCOLOR[i], pointRadius: B_PRADII[i] }; datasets.push(ds); } return datasets; } </script>
- Create
with following content.<script> function getEOL(text) { let eol = '\r\n'; if(text.indexOf(eol) == -1) eol = '\r'; if(text.indexOf(eol) == -1) eol = '\n'; return eol } function block2lists(b, eol) { let x = []; let y = []; let lines = b.split(eol); for(let row of lines) { let col = row.split(','); x.push(col[0]); y.push(col[1]); } return [x, y]; } function block2data(b, eol) { let d = []; let lines = b.split(eol); for(let row of lines) { let col = row.split(','); let obj = { x: col[0], y: col[1] }; d.push(obj); } return d; } function getBlocks(text, eol) { let lines = text.split(eol); lines.shift(); lines = lines.join(eol); blocks = lines.split(eol + eol); return blocks; } function cleanPrePostBlankLines(text) { let inner = text; let eol = getEOL(inner); let lines = inner.split(eol); if(lines[0].length == 0) lines.shift(); let N = lines.length; if(lines[N-1].length == 0) lines.pop(); return lines; } function getParams(t) { let eol = getEOL(t); let lines = t.split(eol); for(let l of lines) { let cols = l.split(' '); if(cols[0] == 'B_LVISIB') { let temp1 = cols[1].split(','); let temp2 = [] for(let i = 0; i < temp1.length; i++) { if(temp1[i] == 'true') { temp2.push(true); } else { temp2.push(false); } temp2.push(Boolean(temp1[i])); } window[cols[0]] = temp2; } else { window[cols[0]] = cols[1].split(','); } } } </script>
- Create
with following content.{{ $w := default "80" (.Get 0) }} {{ $h := default "300" (.Get 1) }} {{ $r := ( .Inner | chomp) }} {{ $seed := "foo" }} {{ $id := delimit (shuffle (split (md5 $seed) "" )) "" }} <div style="width: {{ $w }}%; height: {{ $h }}px; margin: 0 auto"> <canvas id="{{ $id }}"></canvas> </div> <script> var r = {{ ( .Inner | chomp) }}; var eol = getEOL(r); var blocks = getBlocks(r, eol); var params = getParams(blocks.shift()); var B_SERIES = []; for(b of blocks) { var d = block2data(b, eol); B_SERIES.push(d); } </script> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chart.js@4.4.1/dist/chart.umd.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var ctx = document.getElementById('{{ $id }}') .getContext('2d'); var config = { type: 'scatter', data: { datasets: datasets4Scatter(B_SERIES) }, options: { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, scales: { x: { type: 'linear', position: 'bottom', title: { display: true, text: B_XLABEL } }, y: { title: { display: true, text: B_YLABEL } } } } }; new Chart(ctx, config); </script>
Partials named inner.html
and chartjs.html
is included explicitly in baseof.html
, which is template for a-post.md
. Shortcodes named scatter
(in scatter.html
) is called inside a-post.md
, where it requires inner.html
and chartjs.html
flowchart LR P1 & P2 --> B -.-> P S --> P P1 & P2 -.-> S B(["baseof.html"]) P(["a-post.md"]) S(["scatter.html"]) P1(["inner.html"]) P2(["chartjs.html"])
In above figure explicit inclusion uses solid line arrow (→) while implicit inclussion uses dashed line arrow (⇢).