ml stat phys nobel
Discussion triggered book searching
An information with age of about 3 hours listed in Google SERP showing the 2024 Nobel Prize lauretes 1. The searching is triggered by discussion among Andriyan Bayu Suksmono, Acep Purqon, Faizal Rohmat, and others in several WhatsApp groups. It makes me itchy since I just know that development of ML is related to statistical physics. Dr. Purqon show a chapter with title “Chapter 8 Recurrent Networks Rooted in Statistical Physics”, that I can not find the book. But I arrive at other book 2, which I will put in my, not actually a real, TBR (to be read) list 3. I have also acrylic elasticity experiment report 4, which should be also in the TBR.
Next day, in very early moring, about quarter to three, Suksmono send the link to Hopfield paper 5, that has amazing citations, which are about 27879.
-, “They used physics to find patterns in information”, Nobel Prize Outreach AB, 8 Oct 2024, url [20241008]. ↩︎
Haiping Huang, “Statistical Mechanics of Neural Networks”, Higher Education Press, Springer, 5th edition, 2021, url ↩︎
-, “What Is a TBR List? How to Create and Organize a TBR Pile”, Basmo, 21 Apr 2023, url [20241008]. ↩︎
Angeli Fransiska Njo, “Percobaan 1 Akrilik 2 Oktober - 7 Oktober”, OSF, 8 Oct 2024, url [20241008]. ↩︎
J. J. Hopfield, “Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, vol 79, no 8, pp 2554-2558, April 1982, url ↩︎