a weekend at home
Record some activities unorderly
Entry page in layouts/index.html
is modified as in a gist 1, which will show only posts with index ≥ 280 as shown in the block begins with {{ if ge $index 280 }}
and ends with {{ end }}
. Posts with lower index than 280 are there but links how to get them are not given in the entry page. This approach might suitable if you want to document them but only for you and others must have more effort to acces them.
Inform Annida Amani about probable additional cost due to unplanned route from Jakarta airport to Bandung, a suburb-like area. Toll card has been filled with a daIRD. Photos of the expense will be delivered but not immeadiately since the smartphone is damaged and can only show black screen but when some buttons are pressed, it still can buzz. Some suggestions have been tried but none works 2.
Archive the yesterday discussion about how to increase accuracy of PLS regression in predicting FFA from Raman spectrum of CPO. There is report that the R² with value above 0.95. 3. Current result of our group is still much lower. The Python code should be evaluated and the current results should be reproducible, before modification is performed in order to enhance the results to a desired stage.
Leave the yesterday story as is 4, since there might be not sufficient time to advance it. I can not manage to create an evolving medium story as previous ones. It seems that I put some garbage on my Medium. It might be not-so-well, but compared to no story? What do you think?
I am not too comfortable with such mixed content, event it is necessary. So, what would be the best? Each activity has its own post and they are wrapped up with tags? Lets do an experment with new post 2127. It would be about reformulated relation between half time when the differential equation is solved using Euler algorithm.
Sparisoma Viridi, “Entry page of a Hugo site”, Gist, 5 Oct 2024, url https://gist.github.com/dudung/18db690cb1c5c62463ef4bfc6a712226 [20241005]. ↩︎
GPT-4o, “Smartphone LCD Troubleshooting Tips”, ChatGPT, 4 Oct 2024, url https://chatgpt.com/share/66fe7f4e-e00c-800a-99f1-6527e92680cb [20241005]. ↩︎
GPT-4o, “FFA Measurement in CPO”, ChatGPT, 4 Oct 2024, url https://chatgpt.com/share/66ff5152-2060-800a-8436-9fcf8ecb7124 [20241005]. ↩︎
Sparisoma Viridi, “While in Plagoo Holiday: When your smartphone showing only black screen”, Medium, 4 Oct 2024, url https://medium.com/p/fab7ea2ea925 [20241005]. ↩︎