js simple textarea
2 mins read ·
Simple textarea for simulation input
simple textarea
hugo post
{{< sim/textarea id="ta0" width="200" height="100" >}}
MASS 1.5
VOLU 1.25
{{< /sim/textarea >}}
{{< sim/textarea id="ta1" width="200" height="100" >}}
ACC 0.5
VEL -7.5
POS 10
{{< /sim/textarea >}}
{{ $seed := "foo" }}
{{ $rid := delimit (shuffle (split (md5 $seed) "" )) "" }}
{{ $id := default $rid (.Get "id") }}
{{ $w := default "100" (.Get "width") }}
{{ $h := default "300" (.Get "height") }}
{{ $r := ( .Inner | chomp ) }}
<textarea id="{{ $id }}"
style="width: {{ $w }}px;
height: {{ $h }}px;
margin: 0 auto;
overflow-Y: scroll;"
<script src="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}/js/text.js"></script>
writeToTextarea("{{ $id }}", {{ $r }});
Some functions for text manipulation
Sparisoma Viridi | https://github.com/dudung
20240825 Start this collection of functions
+ countOccurrences(str, word) -- Joel Olawanle (not yet used)
+ getEOLChar(text) -- Sparisoma Viridi
+ writeToTextarea(id, content) -- Sparisoma Viridi
Write text to a textarea with id
Sparisoma Viridi
function writeToTextarea(id, content) {
let eol = getEOLChar(content);
let el = document.getElementById(id);
let lines = content.split(eol);
if(lines[0] == "") lines.shift();
let text = lines.join("\n");
el.value = text;
Get end of line charater from text
Sparisoma Viridi
function getEOLChar(text) {
let peolw = text.indexOf('\r\n');
let peolx = text.indexOf('\n');
let peolm = text.indexOf('\r');
let eol = '';
if(peolm == 0 && peolx == -1) eol = '\r';
if(peolw == 0 && peolx == 1) eol = '\r\n';
if(peolx == 1 && peolm == -1) eol = '\n';
return eol;
Get number of occurrences of a word in a string
Joel Olawanle
url https://stackabuse.com/javascript-how-to-count-the-number-of-substring-occurrences-in-a-string/
function countOccurrences(str, word) {
let regex = new RegExp(word, "gi");
let count = (str.match(regex) || []).length;
return count;
- Consider to put visible label indicating id for textarea.
- Design shortcode to read from available textarea elements in the same page.