refs 1 - week 29 in 2024
Bundle 1 of res during week 29 in year 2024: New habit for reading
The three first articles from Big Data Mining and Analytics 123 are informed by Ahmad Mushawir via WhatsApp, while last one from Physical Review Letters 4 is informed by Francisco Martínez via ResearchGate with Gmail. Not yet read, just save them for, hopefully, this week reading materials. It means that they should be read 😄. Addional info will be added later, when there is an opportunity.
Informed from Andry Alamsyah in AIDI WhatsApp group about call of book chapter related to LLM on Springer Nature, which is traced back to ResearchGate 5, then ask Ridwan Sutriadi as mentor and informally agrees. He will be the first author and I will be the operator for interaction with LLM, e.g. GPT-4o from OpenAI, Gemini, formerly Bard, from Google, or Perplexity AI, where there might be anothers between us, which depends on the expert in the implementation field. And as preparation there is a list free AI and LLMs playgrounds 6, event a chatbot arena 7.
Still at the same day, Edi Wahyu Sri Mulyono requests slide from I Made Wiryana on a DAMARS event 8 and I also remember his slide from previous year, also a DAMARS event, actually the first one 9. Ask also for help about the book 10.
Another topic today is from ₩ Won in Soft Skill Trainers WAG, that sends slide about performing research with help of ChatGPT by Wisnu Jatmiko from Lab 1231 (IRoS) 11.
And for gaining sweet but motivated dream, a book about Monte Carlo methods 12 is chosen. I do not know how many minutes I can stand for a book, but at least I try this new habit 😅.
Following are link to various LLMs
Above links are ordered according to interaction time, starting from the earliest to the latest. There are not any weights related to quality of interaction.
Jin Liu, Yi Pan, Min Li, Ziyue Chen, Lu Tang, Chengqian Lu, Jianxin Wang, “Applications of deep learning to MRI images: A survey”, Big Data Mining and Analytics [Big Data Min Anal], vol 1, no 1, p 1-18, Mar 2018, url ↩︎q93xv
Andreas M. Billert, Runyao Yu, Stefan Erschen, Michael Frey, Frank Gauterin, “Improved Quantile Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks for Electric Vehicle Battery Temperature Prediction”, Big Data Mining and Analytics [Big Data Min Anal], vol 7, no 2, p 512-530, Jun 2024, url ↩︎wn9eq
Mona Ahamd Alghamdi, Abdullah S. AL-Malaise AL-Ghamdi, Mahmoud Ragab, “Predicting Energy Consumption Using Stacked LSTM Snapshot Ensemble”, Big Data Mining and Analytics [Big Data Min Anal], vol 7, no 2, p 247-270, Jun 2024, url ↩︎kfup5
Rory T. Cerbus, Ludovic Brivady, Thierry Faug, Hamid Kellay, “Granular Scaling Approach to Landslide Runout”, Physical Review Letters [Phys Rev Lett], vol 132, no 25, p 254101, Jun 2024, url ↩︎z5r4x
Suraj Kumar Mallick, Jayesh Rane, Chaitanya B. Pande, “Call for Book Chapter Large language models for smart and sustainable urban development”, ResearchGate, 11 Jul 2024, url [20240716]. ↩︎noref
Abid Ali Awan, “8 Free AI and LLMs Playgrounds”, KDnuggets, 12 May 2023, url [20240716]. ↩︎s6dzt
Wei-Lin Chiang, Lianmin Zheng, Ying Sheng, Anastasios Nikolas Angelopoulos, Tianle Li, Dacheng Li, Hao Zhang, Banghua Zhu, Michael Jordan, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Ion Stoica, “Chatbot Arena: An Open Platform for Evaluating LLMs by Human Preference”, arXiv:2403.04132v1 [cs.AI] Thu, 7 Mar 2024 01:22:38 UTC, url [20240716]. ↩︎tdeua
I Made Wiryana, “OBE dan MBKMBussiness NOT As Usual”, DAMARS, 7 Apr 2024, [20240716]. ↩︎bsem7
I Made Wiryana, “AI bukan hanya ChatGPT: Penggunaan AI untuk pembelajaran dan penelitian”, DAMARS, 4 Dec 2023, url [20240716]. ↩︎rvg3k
Sparisoma Viridi, Ramadina Goethe, “Python in Brief”, ITB Press, 2023 (draft). ↩︎mnv82
Wisnu Jatmiko, “State of The Art Penelitian dengan ChatGPT”, Webinar Lab 1231 (IRoS), 15 Jul 2024, url [20240716]. ↩︎x94bm
Malvin H. Kalos, Paula A. Whitlock, “Monte Carlo Methods”, Wiley-VCH, 2nd revised enlarged edition, Oct 2018, url [20240716]. ↩︎