
log terms and new hugo site

Sparisoma Viridi
5 mins read ·

Search the right term for new blog on GitHub


The term log might sound familiar to some people. Long time before computer era, a form of log entry record-keeping, that was used since the first captains sailed Earth’s seas in ancient history, is known as Captain’s log, which records what was happening on a mission and to record historical facts for future generations 1. In computing context a log is the automatically produced and time-stamped documentation of events relevant to a particular system, where virtually all software applications and systems produce log files 2.

Then related to inventory, there is a log tracks the movement of commodity, including materials and goods, by code, where it records movement of full cases and units, which is known a inventory log 3. Similar to commodity, there is patient log, which records detailed information about clinical encounter with patient 4. For materials as given in a course, there is lecture log that records short description of the material covered in each lecture 5. Even the last three examples of logs given are in computer era, they exist before the time when hard copy forms still be used.

Previous examples are intended for private use or at least institutional use. Then with the internet and its spirits 6, other types of logs arise such as blog, vlog, slog 7 and plog 8, which stand for weblog, video blog, sound log, and photoblog. Notice that the second is not sound blog, sound log, which is the recorded audio file of a blog post.

I would like to make the log, as much as possible, in plain text with additional features if necessary, e.g. LaTeX with MathJax or KaTeX, diagrams with Mermaid, formatted text with Markdown, sheet music with abcjs, molecules visualization with 3Dmol.js, charts with Chart.js, and others with HTML.

new github pages

In order to implement the log a repository, whose name is nou or notes on unstructured, is created, cloned, updated, and set up with workflow. Following are the steps and related sub-steps to create new GitHub Pages from a new repository.

create new repository

  1. Visit
  2. It might be required to login first.
  3. Fill repository name, e.g. nou.
  4. Change until it is available.
  5. Write description, e.g. notes on unstructured.
  6. Choose Public.
  7. Check Add a README file.
  8. Add .gitignore, choose any template, e.g Go.
  9. Choose appropriate license, e.g. MIT License.
  10. Click the green button, Create repository, at bottom right.

edit .gitignore

  1. Visit, if not redirected automatically.
  2. Notice that dudung is the GitHub username in this example.
  3. Click .gitignore file.
  4. Edit the file, click 🖉 icon.
  5. Erase all lines.
  6. Add following lines
# shortcuts

# folders
  1. Click green button, Commit changes…, on top right.
  2. Click green button, Commit changes, on bottom right.
  3. Visit the repository page, e.g.

clone repository to local folder

  1. On Windows, open File Explorer, with ⊞ + E.
  2. Navigate to drive or folder where nou repository will be cloned.
  3. Right click with mouse to open context menu, choose Show more options.
  4. Choose Open Git Bash here.
  5. Type git clone nou and press Enter.
  6. Type cd nou and press Enter.

create cmd shortcut

  1. On Windows, open nou folder using File Explorer.
  2. Right click with mouse to open context menu, choose New, then Shortcut.
  3. Type cmd.
  4. Click Next button, on bottom right.
  5. Rename it from cmd.exe to cmd.
  6. Click Finish button, on bottom right.
  7. Right click on new created icon, cmd, choose Properties.
  8. Delete value on Start in field.
  9. Click OK button, on the bottom.

copy files from previous repository

  1. Visit
  2. Copy assets\css and its content to nou.
  3. Copy layouts and all its content to nou.
  4. Copy themes and all its content to nou.
  5. Copy hugo.toml to nou.
  6. Copy content/authors and its content to nou.
  7. Copy content/about and its content nou and modify what necessary.
  8. Create content/posts and copy some posts.

run hugo

  1. Click cmd on nou.
  2. Edit hugo.toml by modifying following lines
baseURL = ''
title = 'nou'
  1. Type hugo server.
  2. Visit http://localhost:1313/nou/ with a web browser.
  3. On cmd windown, Press CTRL+C to stop the service.

update remote repository

  1. On Git Bash window, type git add . and press Enter.
  2. Type git commit -a -m "new, update" and press Enter.
  3. Type git push and press Enter.

set workflow on remote repository

  1. Visit settings page
  2. Choose Pages
  3. Choose Source to GitHub Actions.
  4. Click browse all workflows
  5. Type hugo on Search workflows field.
  6. Click Configure button on Hugo.
  7. Click green button, Commit changes…, on top right.
  8. Click green button, Commit changes, on bottom right.
  9. Visit repo page
  10. Wait the yellow circle • to turn to green check mark ✓.
  11. Visit, the GitHub Pages for nou repo.

update local repository

  1. On Git Bash window, type git pull to update local files with the workflow.
  2. Navigate to .github/workflows/ to see hugo.yml file for Hugo workflow.

After performing above steps


  1. Cindy Wu, “The Captain’s Log”, Medium, 8 Jun 2017, url [20240501]. ↩︎

  2. Ivy Wigmore, “log (log file)”, TechTarget, 5 Nov 2014, url [20240501]. ↩︎

  3. Sally Benning, “USDA Commodity Inventory Log”, Department of Agriculture, 2 May 2002, url [20240501]. ↩︎

  4. -, “Adding Patient Logs”, Exxat, 9 Feb 2024, url [20240501]. ↩︎

  5. George Petrides, “Lecture log”, TMA4155 Kryptografi, introduksjon, Institutt for matematiske fag, NTNU, 7 Nov 2012, url [20240501]. ↩︎

  6. Pete Bahba, “What’s the spirit of the internet? Freedom, equality,customize?”, Quora, 31 Aug 2024, url [20240501]. ↩︎

  7. Niyat Ghebremichael, “What is the difference between a blog, vlog and slog?”, Zooma, 26 Feb 2019, url [20240501]. ↩︎

  8. Jayden Harper, “Plogging for Beginners: Tips for Creating Impressive Plog”, VanceAI, 12 Dec 2023, url [20240501]. ↩︎
