
slides sharing 3rd generation

Sparisoma Viridi
2 mins read ·

Info about 3rd generation in sharing slides


For slides there are changes in where the place I share them. The first was SlideShare and must be left because of login problem due to the event when Scribd acquired SlideShare 1. Next is Zenodo, which is awesome since it has DOI even for versioning 2. I am not quite remember about ResearchGate, that there might be some slides also deposited there. Just mark it as 2.5 generation 😁. And the current plase is OSF since it has the best way in showing PDF slide in full screen, better than the previous place.

Following are links for accesing the slides on o, a OSF project for c-o-llection of slides for raw ideas, literature strudies, courses, seminars, conferences, workshops, internal discussions, etc. It is about 35 slides per 20 Apr 2024. Update has high possibility on this post 3.





  1. Anthony Ha, “Scribd acquires presentation-sharing service SlideShare from LinkedIn”, 12 Aug 2020, url [20240420]. ↩︎

  2. Lars Holm Nielsen, “Zenodo now supports DOI versioning!”, OpenAIRE, 30 May 2017, url [20240420]. ↩︎

  3. It is due to regular activities requiring slides creation. ↩︎
