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Some users that cross the path during 2023-1 semester
FH Audrey Lynn Johanes (comm, report, slide, img).19-fri-1300-FI4091
SV Angeli Fransiska Njo (comm, report, slide, img).19-fri-0930-FI6093
AI Nazla Innayah (comm, report, slide).19-fri-0800-FI4091
AI Oeken Ginting (comm, report, slide, img).18-thu-1430-FI4091
AL Rizki Ardika Fadilah (comm, report, slide, img).18-thu-1300-FI4092
SV Mawaf Alfarizki (comm, report, slide, img).18-thu-1000-FI4092
NH Isnaini Mufidhatul Mughni (comm, report, slide, img)18-thu-0800-FI6095
NH Muhammad Risyad Naufal(comm, report, slide, img)17-wed-1000-FI4091
SV Muhammad Reza Fahriyansyah (comm, report, slide, img).17-wed-0900-FI4092
PW Muhammad Haidar Aziz (comm, report, slide, img).16-tue-0900-FI4091
RW Jesse Owen (comm, report, slide, img).10-wed-1400-FI8091
AW Vepy Asyana (comm, report, slide, img).10-wed-0830-FI9094
IM Yunita Anggraini (comm, report, slide, img).09-tue-0900-AS8095
TH Muhammad Isnaenda Ikhsan (comm, report, slide, img).08-mon-1030-NT6007
DA Fathi Ibrahim (comm, report, slide, img).05-fri-1000-FI8091
IA Yeni Pertiwi (comm, report, slide, img).03-wed-1000-FI4091
IA Nurlaila Tan (comm, report, slide, img).
MK Fajris Zahrotun Nihayah (comm, report, slide, img)27-wed-0900-SK6090
SV Aria Wahyu Wicaksono (comm, report, slide, img).21-thu-0900-FI9091
SH Yuant Tiandho (comm, report, slide, img).20-wed-9999-FI8093
SV Eka Sylvianti Rahayu (comm, report, slide).19-tue-9999-FI8093
SV Phetviengkham Onexayvieng (comm, report, slide).19-tue-9999-FI8093
SV Asep Bustanil Aripin (comm, report, slide).19-tue-1030-FI7002
FZ Muhammad Lawrence Pattersons (comm, report, slide, img).18-mon-0800-FI4091
RW Dwita Gurning (comm, report, slide, img).