
from codes to granular systems

0293 2138 09-Oct-2024 random number intro 0292 2137 08-Oct-2024 comments on ui 0291 2136 08-Oct-2024 ml stat phys nobel 0290 2135 08-Oct-2024 spring pulled const velo 0289 2134 08-Oct-2024 s-3m-2s 1-d 0288 2133 07-Oct-2024 s-2m-1s 1-d rel 0287 2132 07-Oct-2024 system 2-mass 1-spring 1-d 0286 2131 07-Oct-2024 m-th derivative polynomial zero 0285 2130 06-Oct-2024 maclaurin series polynomial 0284 2129 06-Oct-2024 index.html hugo code 3 0283 2128 06-Oct-2024 half-life decay const 0282 2127 05-Oct-2024 half-life diff eqn euler 0281 2118 30-Aug-2024 half-life with forward fd