Emerging spheres as model for fed fishes

Today morning there is a online meeting using Google Meet with Fajar Darozat from eFishery. One of the four planned products is feeding sensor, which hopefully can be used for following purposes.

PurposeStatusDiffultyTargetPub orderMonth
Feeding durationpsr4Jan-Mar, Apr
Rain detectionhsm, v1, 5Apr-Sep, Apr-Sep
Feeding anomalyhmm, r2, 4Jan-Mar, Apr
Average growthh+cv6Apr-Sep, Apr-Sep
Harvest estimation datehcv6Apr-Sep, Apr-Sep
Fish count estimationhcm, v3, 7Jul-Nov, Dec
  • Status: proven, hypothetical, hypothetical with supporting evidence.
  • Diffulty: simple, moderate, complex.
  • Target: mathematical model, report, validation

There are still some mismatches between time line, scientific ouput (publication order), and features from the feeding sensor. He is informed but the response is not yet received. The problem of each feature must be further analyzed to assure the required time duration as parts of whole time line of the activity in that year. It would be hepful if a flow diagram can also be constructed to connect time order of all desired features.