Cherry tomato farming presentation

I watch a presentation with title Pengaruh Frekuensi Penambahan Nutrisi terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tomat Ceri (LycopersiconesculentumMill.var. cerasiforme) pada DutchBucket System (DBS) yang Terintegrasi dengan Budidaya Ikan Nila (Oreochromisniloticus) by Siti Aklima Nur Fadilah, supervised by Ramadhani Eka Putra, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. and me, in Jatinangor campus today. The examiners are Dr. Ir. Eri Mustari, M.P. and Ir. Yeyet Setiawati, M.P..

It is interesting to notice that more frequent in giving nutrition to plant can not guarantee it to produce more fruits, since the last frequent produce the most fruits as observed. The reason behind this must be investigated further. Putra also ask the ability in creating Android App, that leads the search of information to Kotlin and there will be a plan to learn about it.