Pyrolysis expert information

There is a visit from Deny Agung Riyazi, a director from Anugerah Jaya Insani, who seeks information about pyrolysis for processing plastic waste. From Prof. Yogi Wibisono Budhi, who is Vice Dean in Academics, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, the name of Prof. Yazid Bindar is suggested. His work in pyrolysis can be traced clearly and in early morning at the next day he gives me permission to share his contact to Riyazi.

And for our team pyrolysis is known only as beginner, where we have only two works on it, which are Reduction the Oxygen Content of the Coconut Shell Char Produced by Using Simple Pyrolysis Method (Rosi & Viridi, 2018) and Rancang Bangun Alat Pirolisis Sederhana untuk Mengolah Limbah Plastik Polipropilena (PP) menjadi Bahan Bakar Cair (BBC) (Nurhayati, Viridi, Asmara & Aina, 2019).