
Computational science curriculum

Advancement process of computational science curriculum.

Datasets in papers

Some references containing dataset(s) for futher analysis.

Courses 2023-2

List of courses on 2023-2 semester.

Engineering physics books

Books for learning engineering physics.

Refs for scientific writing

Learning scientific writing accordingly with some refs.

Digital image processing refs

Refs for learning digital image processing.

Vibration wave some equations

Some equations related to propagation of vibration as wave.

Structural vibration refs

References while learning about structural vibration.

Computational thinking refs

Refs for learning computational thinking topic

Web apps and services tasks

Additional tasks for course about web apps and service.

Computational science literature

Some literature in studying computational science.

Data science literature

Literatures about data science and related fields.

Au-np synthesis modeling

Study on Au nanoparticle synthesis with Agent-based model.

Land subsidence modeling

Study on land subsidence with physical and computational models.


Evolution of curriculum vitae of me.

Some reading materials

Target books or journals to read in near future, hopefully.

Boid for fish related refs

Some might-related refs for boid application on fish motion.

Seminar on 2023-1

List of seminar on 2023-1 semester.

Questions on web apps

Some questions to motivate the learning on web apps.

DC circuit 3 loops

Analyze DC circuit with 3 loops.

How about electronic circuit

JS lib for drawing electronic circuit can not be found, and following is the current alternative.

3Dmol.js support

Add support to view molecules with 3Dmol.js.

abcjs support

Add support for display music notation witn abcjs.

Curved line with SVG path

Draw curved line using path element in SVG.

Generate data for circle

Generate data points for circle using Vanilla JS.

Scatter plot with Chart.js

Create shortcode for scatter plot with Chart.js.

Update Hugo due to module incompatibility

Update Hugo while creating scatter.html shortcode.

Info from datablock

Display scatter chart using Chart.js.

Chart.js support

Add support for Chart.js via shortcodes.

Modify footer.html

Modify footer.html and observe the result.

Modify list.html

Remove summary from list of posts.

Markdown table

Try code for Markdown table.

Mermaid support

Add support for drawing flowchart with Mermaid.

KaTeX support

Add support for displaying LaTeX equations with KaTeX.

Hugo new site, theme, content

Create Hugo new site, theme and content using cmd and git bash on Windows 11.